2 ACCESSING CARECAST Open IE Internet Explorer
3 ACCESSING CITRIX Type in the Address line then click Enter on the keyboard. Once added to your Favorites, select from Favoriteshttp://wi.ihs.org
4 CITRIX LOGON SCREEN NOTE : Click on Favorites and Add to Favorites to eliminate typing the website each time Type in User name and Password then click on Log In
5 Type in your Username and Password Click on the Login button OR Select the appropriate pathway under the Options button NOTE: Passwords in Carecast are case sensitive. If you forget your password, a call must be placed to the Service Center where it will be reset. The Service Center will no longer be able to look up your current password ACCESSING CARECAST L7 users click on Login L8 TQC users click on Login L8 SL users click on Options then select LCJPML8A L9 AMH users click on Login L9 TRH users click on Options then select LCJPML9A L9 SC users click on Options then select LCJPML9B L9 FH users click on Options then select LCJPML9C
6 CARECAST BASE SCREEN The title bar will always say ‘IDX Web Framework – Microsoft Internet Explorer Clear the screen to activate a different patient by: Right click on a blank part of the screen and then select Clear screen then Enter on the keyboard twice Ctrl/Shift/Home then Enter on the keyboard twice Click on Select Patient in the upper left hand corner then click Clear
7 PARTS OF THE SCREEN THAT ARE CONSTANT The title bar is constant on all screens The Tool Bar is new and is also constant on all screens. The following options have the same functionality as in LastWord: Home Back √ Done Tools options: Settings-allows user to change password Tear-off Screen-allows user to do a screen print Debugging Tools-do not use Keyboard Navigation Quick Reference (see next screen) The Help option contains…….. The Lock option locks Carecast on the screen the user is working on. The user must reenter their password to resume Logoff logs the user out of Carecast (F10 will no longer log a user out of the application)
8 KEYBOARD NAVIGATION QUICK REFERENCE This quick reference contains generic keyboard alternatives only. It does not contain any specific to Carecast ** Additionally there are F7 and F8 function keys that ‘page up’ and ‘page down’, these are not on this screen
9 PARTS OF THE SCREEN THAT ARE CONSTANT The Chart tabs are basically the same as in LastWord. Hovering the mouse over a Chart tab will change the color. Clicking on a Chart Tab will either activate the command or open a menu as displayed with the RSLTS Chart tab. An item proceeded by a + has a sub menu. Clicking on any of those items opens an additional list of commands. As long as Chart tabs are colored (not grayed out) they are functional and can be used to navigate through the application
10 PARTS OF THE SCREEN THAT ARE CONSTANT The Banner Bar contains: MRN DOB Age Room number, if applicable Room extension, if applicable Account number if command performed is account specific Select Patient to: Search for a different patient using the Current Active List Clear the screen of the current active patient (Ctrl/Shift/Home then Enter twice will also clear screen. You may also right click in a nonfunctioning part of the screen and select Clear Screen followed by enter to clear the screen) Activate a previously activated patient
11 PARTS OF THE SCREEN THAT ARE CONSTANT The icon is the About Patient icon and displays the data below
12 PARTS OF THE SCREEN THAT ARE CONSTANT The Advisory Line at the bottom of the screen displays, left to right: User logged in Pathway Advisory message, if any Name of screen Facility Terminal ID number Note-Name of screen and terminal ID number are very helpful to the Service Center when user is having problems
13 PREFSET Users will need to set their preferences when they first logon to Carecast: Click the Personal Options button Double click on the Misc folder Select PREFSET-Maintain preferences for patient activation Each CareCast user will need to set their preferences when they first logon to CareCast at go-live Select PREFSET - Maintain preferences for patient activation in the VT popup window. Click the Prsnl Opt button
14 PREFSET Command Behavior: Default - blank Retain - Y Automatic - blank Hot list Behavior: Clear at logoff - N Add every active - Y Patient Activation List Behavior: P in the first position-required Order Behavior: Would not be used by Physicians at this time Click ‘Save’, to save changes entered on this screen Then click ‘Cancel’ to leave screen
15 PATIENT LISTS More options with lists in CareCast. Three radio buttons allow access to both system controlled lists and manually created lists: Freq Folders Avail Freq - displays user defined frequent lists Folders - displays user defined lists in folders Avail - Lists that are available in the system Once a list is displayed in the Patient List Directory window, double clicking on the list will either display it in the Current Patient List window or a pop up window will display for you to select the list from a group/folder NOTE: Different directories of lists will display depending on which radio button in selected
16 LISTS – Creating Group List To set up ‘Group’ list: Click on the Available radio button Double click on Group Census (Opens Group Census Selection window) Group Census Selection Window Choose your ‘Group’ from the Group list (Like Last Word) Type in Facility (required) Click on ‘Create Frequent List’ button NOTE: will display list using the Frequent radio button DO NOT change name of list Click on ‘Create List’ button to store the list in user created list Additional Comments: Repeat steps above to create more freq lists **Type in the facility abbreviation – IMMC. BCH, ILH **Select Group from list (like Last Word)
17 LISTS – Creating Freq List To set up unit census list: Click on the Available radio button Double click on Location Census (Opens Location Census Selection window) Location Census Selection Window Choose your nursing unit from the dropdown list Type in Facility (required) Click on ‘Create Frequent List’ button NOTE: will display list using the Frequent radio button DO NOT change name of list Click on ‘Create List’ button to store the list in user created list Additional Comments: Repeat steps above to create more freq lists Leave the Nursing Station blank and fill in the Facility to display the entire hospital census **Type in the facility abreviation – IMMC. BCH, ILH
18 LISTS – Default list Note: A red heart will display to the right of the default list Click appropriate radio button to display list you want as your default Highlight the list by clicking on it with mouse Click on the ‘Make Default’ button.
19 LISTS – remove list ‘ User defined’ lists can be moved or removed: Click on the list to Highlight Click on the Move/Remove button NOTE: This will open the Update Directory – Group Census List window Click on the Remove button Display the list to move or remove
20 CLERICAL INFORMATION The PT INF chart tab allows the user to review: CLNR-Review Allergies DEMR-Demographics FINR-Insurance (will need to select an account) MPI-Visit History
21 CLERICAL INFORMATION The BILL chart tab contains the command CHRSUM which displays charges by account. F7 and F8 page up and page down on those screens
22 VIEWER Click the VIEWR Chart tab then click on Viewer All Display. ** This will be the recommended method to review labs in a ‘trended’ format
23 VIEWER The Viewer displays without first showing the options for it. To change options, either close the Viewer then click the Options button, OR move the viewer so the Options button can be clicked.
24 VIEWER Change the options for a different display, the either click the Restore or Change button
25 VIEWER Change the options for a different display, then either click the Restore or Change button Restore – ‘resets’ the parameters Change – changes the parameters for this view. Changes made on this screen are not ‘stored’ for subsequent views
26 RSLTS Tab The RSLTS Chart tab allows the user to view many different types of resulted data. Click on the RSLTS Chart tab then click on the appropriate Results to display
27 DOCUMENT DISPLAY Options: Detail-Displays the data in a different format Print-Choose a printer to print the displayed results Options-Change how the screen displays information Ribbon-Displays the data in a different format Edit-NA with the data IHS is displaying See Note-Would display a note if a heading had one Forward-NA for IHS at this time Inbox options-NA for IHS at this time Next-Displays results of next heading Prev-Displays results of previous heading
28 DOCUMENT DISPLAY This screen displays data for a defined time (default = 120 days) not from the beginning on the medical record as on some LastWord screens The upper portion of the screen contains headings of documented data. The lower portion of the screen displays the detail. Highlighting a heading to change the display
29 CARECAST BUTTONS The Personal Opt Button contains both folders and individual commands. A single click activates a command File folders contain additional commands. Double click on a folder to open it then a single click activates the command