Perimeter and Area Let the fun begin!
Summer 2003Betsy Bellinger and Stacey Spillman2 Why do I need to know this??? To find out the size of your foot To find out how long a bracelet would need to be to fit your wrist To find out how much carpet you would need for your house To measure the distance you walk your dog around your block
What is perimeter? The distance around a geometric figure
Formula for perimeter of a square P=4sOR Just add all the sides together YOUR CHOICE!!
Let’s try it! If one side of a square measures 8 inches, what is the perimeter of the square?
Answer: 32 inches Did you get it right?
Formula for perimeter of a rectangle P = 2L + 2W OR Just add all the sides together YOUR CHOICE!!
Let’s try it! Find the perimeter of the rectangle above.
Answer: 18 units Don’t forget to label!
Now let’s talk about area…
What is area? The number of square units needed to cover a surface
Formula for the area of a square or rectangle A= L x W
Let’s try it! Find the area of the rectangle above.
Answer: 27 square cm How did you do? Did you remember to label?
Let’s sum things up… What did you learn today?
Summer 2003Betsy Bellinger and Stacey Spillman16
Teacher websites Links to online field trips (has one for pi) clipart available for teacher use tutorial about how to create your own web site Problems of the week Lesson plans and online activities Basic Math Skills and step by step tutorials offbeat lesson plans that could be used as attention grabbers to enhance lessons This has lesson plans and printables This site has lesson plans, printables, and helpful short articles. This is a great site for resources and inspiration, especially for new teachers. This site has articles and lesson plans for all grade levels and content areas. This is an all-in-one site that includes lesson plans, rubric-creators, printables, and gives the teacher access to set up a classroom calendar with daily assignments.
Tangram Lesson plan ENGAGE: -Hold up a set of tangrams and ask the students if they can name each individual shape. -Does anyone know what it is called when you put all of these shapes together in a set? -Read the Grandfather Tang book aloud to the class, asking guided questions throughout. -What did you learn from this story? EXPLORE: -Hand out manipulatives to explore on their own for 5-10 minutes. -Show an example on the overhead of using the tangrams to create a shape from an outlined puzzle, emphasizing that ALL shapes must be used and fit perfectly inside the pattern. -Hand out patterns/pictures for students to use to create their tangram picture. -Walk around the room to encourage and monitor students. -Tell students to trade patterns with a neighbor when they have completed their picture. EXPLAIN: -What does this activity have to do with math? -How can this activity help you strengthen your math skills? -What math skills did you use to create your picture? -Have students take turns showing their finished picture to the class and share the strategy they used to solve the puzzle. EXTEND: -Take the class to the writing lab and have them use the interactive website to manipulate tangrams on the internet to create prescribed shapes. EVALUATE: -Participation -Staying on-task -Students will write a one-paragraph reflection about what they learned in this lesson, their reaction to the lesson, and an idea about how they can use skills enforced in this lesson in real life.
Tangram websites TANGRAM WEBSITES (Interactive) (Interactive) (Description of tangrams, guide on constructing own set, introduction to tangrams) (History, interactive, guide on constructing own set) (GREAT interactive, easy to use)
Polygon Graphic Organizer
Summer 2003Betsy Bellinger and Stacey Spillman21 Perimeter and Area Spreadsheet PERIMETER ItemLengthWidthPerimeterUnit of MeasureConversion door7422ft.7 yds 1 ft. textbook12738in.3 ft. 2 in. top of desk221676in.6 ft. 4 in. spiral notebook12636in.3 ft. calculator6420in.1 ft. 8 in. window6522ft.7 yds 1 ft. tile in floor121248in.4 ft. wall tile12534in. 2 ft. 10 in. poster5316ft.5 yds. 1 ft. AREA ItemLengthWidthAreaUnit of MeasureConversion door7428ft.9 yds. 1 ft. textbook12784in.7 ft. top of desk in.29 ft. 4 in. spiral notebook12672in.6 ft. calculator6424in.2 ft. window6530ft.10 yds. tile in floor in.12 ft. wall tile12560in. 5 ft. poster5315ft.5 yds. Reflection: From this project I learned the formulas for perimeter and area. I had a chance to practice measuring different objects.