Take Out Planner Catalyst sheet Science notebook open to rough draft of graph Pencil
Copy the blank graph below onto your Catalyst sheet, and label the following parts: -X axis -Y axis -Axis where “Mass of Liquid” should be -Axis where “Calculated Density of Liquid” should be -Axis where “grams” should be -Axis where “grams/milliliters” should be -Title (and what should the title be?) Catalyst
Homework Create final copy of Observations (either typed of written as a final copy on a separate sheet of paper) Create final copy of Graph (created on a separate sheet of graph paper)
Take Out Planner Catalyst sheet Science notebook Pencil
1.What was your hypothesis for the Calculated Density lab? Write it down on your Catalyst sheet. 2.Look at your graph. What relationship between the IV and DV do you think is represented on your graph? A positive, negative, or no relationship? How do you know this? 3.Based on the data in your data table and your graph, was your hypothesis supported or rejected? Explain. Catalyst
What relationship exists between the variables? Positive relationship Negative relationship No relationship
Conclusion What is the purpose of your Conclusion?
Conclusion must haves! Restates the question in the form of a statement. Restates the hypothesis. Tells whether the hypothesis was supported or rejected. Uses data from the data table and/or graph as evidence for support. Ends with a summary statement. Is written in paragraph form.
Homework Write a rough draft of your Conclusion in your science notebook Use the rubric as a guide!
Take Out Planner Catalyst sheet Science notebook open to rough draft of Conclusion Pencil
Below are the “accepted” densities for the liquids you tested in class. Copy these down onto your Catalyst sheet, and then answer the following questions: Corn Syrup – 1.38 g/mL Salt Water – 1.05 g/mL Liquid Water – 1.00 g/mL Rubbing Alcohol – 0.79 g/mL 1. What do you think is meant by the term “accepted density”? 2. How do your densities compare to these accepted densities? Catalyst
Conclusion You should have a rough draft of your Conclusion written in your science notebook Your next homework assignment will be to create a final copy of this Conclusion
Inference What is the purpose of the Inference of a lab report?
Inference must haves I would suggest starting the Inference with your problem statement again, just like the Conclusion Explain results using key terms (mass, volume, density, accepted density?) Propose a possible source of error Suggest a way to eliminate the source of error
Homework No homework due to concert