Unit 3 Mini Unit Standard: 10.2.1Compare the major ideas of philosophers and their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the United States,


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Mini Unit Standard: 10.2.1Compare the major ideas of philosophers and their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the United States, France, and Latin America (e.g., John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Simón Bolívar, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison). Objective:” SWBAT to define colonialism, imperialism, and nationalism

10/16 Do Now What is an “ism” Example racism. Added to the end of a word to represent a specific practice, system or philosophy Example racism. Provide two more example with definition in your own words.

Groups (20 minutes) On a 1-4 Scale Community Name List of Names Responsible For Primary presenter Recorder/Directions Artist Researcher How will decisions be made What will you do when someone is not participating Be prepared to share

Defining “isms” Write in your notebook (leave space for two defintions) Colonialism Imperialism Nationalism

Defining “isms” (30 minutes) Step 1: As a group Step 2: Individually Agree on one formal definition Create a student friendly definition Write each definition in your notebook Be prepared to share your definitions On one piece of paper For each word: Write the word Formal definition Student friendly definition Draw a picture

Notes: Review Political: Government Economic: Money Era: Time Period

Listen first, do not take notes

Ms. Torres’ Colonialism A practice in which a nation explores, settles, and exploits another nation for the benefit of the colonial power and colonists. An era when European nations created political and economic systems that promoted the exploitation of nations from the Americas, Africa and Asia

Ms. Torres’ Imperialism A nation’s policy of extending their power and influence through colonialism, use of military force, and/or economic control.

Ms. Torres’ Nationalism A belief that involves an individual identifying with and becoming loyal to a nation A policy in which national pride is promoted by claiming that one country is superior to others.

Absent: Make Up Work On a new page Do Now: Absent Period 3, 5- Title: Unit 4: Industrialization 10/16 Period 2,4- Title: Unit 4: Industrialization 10/17 Do Now: Absent

Absent: Make Up Work In Your Notebook: Copy Class Notes Political: Government Economic: Money Era: Time Period

Absent: Make Up Work In Your Notebook: Find copy Ms. Torres’ definitions and then create student friendly definition for the following words Colonialism Imperialism Nationalism Student friendly definitions should be definitions that any of your friends would understand. On a google document, type Ms. Torres’ definition and the student friendly definition of EACH word and find a picture that represents that word.

Absent: Make Up Work Emailing make up work Email to torresc219@gmail.com Subject Heading: Name Period Isms Make Up Work You need to use the correct subject heading to get credit. Due Wednesday Oct 29th