DEEP SEARCH Application of Primo Deep Search between Northwestern and Vanderbilt ELUNA 2015 Michael North - Northwestern University Dale Poulter - Vanderbilt.


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Presentation transcript:

DEEP SEARCH Application of Primo Deep Search between Northwestern and Vanderbilt ELUNA 2015 Michael North - Northwestern University Dale Poulter - Vanderbilt University

What is Deep Search ? Not metasearch (Metalib) Provides method to search a remote resource using API calls and integrate results with other sources (local index, PCI) Deep search non-Primo index – Needs a custom third node plugin WorldCat and EBSCO plugins are delivered Primo index – Use the delivered plugin – Good integration since the same basic PNX is utilized – Can work with providing site additional information is needed

Deep Search Use Case Vanderbilt was contacted by Northwestern requesting a collaborative project whereby Northwestern would “deep search” the Vanderbilt’s TV News Archives. Northwestern is a subscriber to the Vanderbilt TV News Archives Collection. Over a million records of TV News Archives. Northwestern wished for a “proof of concept” to begin a series of projects that would eventually lead to enhanced searching.

What is TVNews ● Established in August 1968 at Vanderbilt ● Records nightly national news and selected additional news events ● Provides streaming access to broadcasts and abstracts to sponsors and subscribers ● Currently over 1 million records available

The beginning (3 years ago) ● Northwestern subscriber to TVNews since 2006 ● Needed better method than searching different site ● Potential increase use of the service

Process -- provider side Very straight forward ● Define scope with the records to be shared ● Add ip address(s) to the “WS and XS IP” mapping table o Hosted sites -- private ips are needed

Requester site Now for the hard part from Michael North at Northwestern

Shout Out : THANKS ! ! !

Starting the Idea

Use Case Idea ! What if the Northwestern Medill School of Journalism said they would like a library “VIEW” with only Journalism resources from around the country “viewable” in one place for their students ??? Lets start with the Vanderbilt University TV News Archives.

Two Resources of Instructions (1) Salesforce KCS How To Article titled : How to setup Primo to search a remote Index and/or another Primo site? (2) Developers Network Deep Search

Salesforce KCS How To Article titled

andor-another-Primo-site?caseId= ZseX0&popup=true&isCaseCreation=1

Instructions : What was missing ??? The KB article forgot to mention that the target institution has to add the requesting server IP address to the WS & XS Mapping table to allow access. We had to use Private IP’s – this caused a long delay in development. Scope is REQUIRED (not optional) : if you do not use a specific scope in the thirdnode-config.xml stanza, you must use “scope=none.”

Procedure Used 1. Target Site : add IP's to WS & XS code table (using Private IP’s) 2. Requester Site : edit "thirdnode-config.xml" file (create adaptor stanza). 3. Requester Site : set up search scope in Thirdnode-config.xml file : either specific "scope name“ or "none“ (the scope will be provided by target institution). 4. Requester Site : Add ID to "Third Node Adaptors" code table. 5. Requester Site : In views wizard, create a scope and add the thirdnode ID to this scope. 6. Add the thirdnode scope to Primo search tab (or in our case, the view).

Developers Network Info

Deep Search : This plug-in allows sites to extend Primo search capabilities beyond Primo local search, Primo Central Index (PCI), and remote search via MetaLib.

* Configurations will be moved to Mapping Tables after the April Primo Release

Thirdnode-config.xml Adaptor Sections : ID Primo Services Warmup Cache Parameters host port scope located in /exlibris/primo/p4_1/ng/primo/home/system/search/conf

ID Class_Name Primo_Services

Warmup Cache

PARAMETERS Host Port Scope * Another delay point for me was the Scope….it is mandatory and I originally did not use the Scope.

4. Go to 'Third Node Adaptors' code table – add the relevant ID from in the xml.

5. Go to Views Wizard, create a scope and add the thirdnode scope.

6. Add the thirdnode scope to relevant Primo search tab.

Testing Connectivity NOTE : even though TELNET appears to work, no connectivity has been made with the Vanderbilt server. This was because I was using the regular server IP address and not the private IP address.

A “gotcha”

Server Testing Even though you do not have your Primo View or Tabs set up yet, you should be able to do this test to verify connectivity after target institution updates with private IP’s.

PNX Metadata from Vanderbilt

DRUMROLL PLEASE ……… Remember….I am not a web designer so do not laugh too loud when you see my “proof of concept” TV News Archives View !



ISSUES to still be Resolved Firewall / IP issues for the NBC video’s that are available online. Linking to Vanderbilt Check-Out Page. (may use similar technique as ILL link) (demo of work by Michael Klein at NU).

What does this mean ??? Sharing of electronic resources between institutions. Do not need to add millions of records to your Primo DB. Example : Africana Image Collections Northwestern University has a comprehensive Africana Library Collection, which includes special Image Collections (Africana Maps, Africana Posters, Winterton Image Collection, etc). Using Deep Search, we can enrich our “discovery” by adding image collections from other universities, and of course, this can be a reciprocal arrangement. A “win-win” for everyone, especially for library patrons.

* Add other institutions Africana Collections here ! Great idea for ELUNA 2016 Presentation ! ! !

Thank You Michael Dale