Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Your task for the day Dearest Class, Welcome back! I hope that you enjoyed your Vacation and can’t wait to hear all about it. On a Post It, write the best part of your vacation and bring it to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Think about numbers! On a sheet of paper, list numbers Then next to each number, write what interesting things come in groups of those numbers. Be creative. For example, 3 –triplets or long shots in basketball. 6-buying half dozen of eggs or 2 sets of triplets. Bring your list to Morning Meeting. YOU CAN WORK WITH A PARTNER, ONLY IF YOU CAN WORK QUIETLY AND ARE ON TASK. YOUR DECISION.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Be creative: What would an animal that is part dog and part snake be lie? what would its name be? (not Rover or Dog) Draw a picture of it, describe its behavior, habitat, what it would eat. Be creative and appropriate.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Class, On the chart, draw a picture of an animal under two of the categories. Reptiles, Amphibians, Insects, Arachnids. Try to not repeat any animal. Be creative. For example, under insect, don’t write ant but an insect that is unique.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Can you believe it! It is Friday. What has gone well for you this week? Why? What would you like to improve? Write it in your Writers Notebook and bring your book to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Class, Message: Secret pal On your desk is the name of a person in the class(or in a box). Your job is to write a special message to your secret pal, telling them something about them that you like or will make them feel special and important. For example: Thank you, Miss Dilts for always being there when I need you. You obviously love teaching and the class is fortunate to have you in their lives.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task for the day It’s time for you to continue to be creative. Invent a new breakfast cereal. What would it be called? Create an advertisement for your cereal-like a TV commercial or an advertisement in a magazine.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Non Fiction Readers and Writers, We have been learning about nonfiction writing and reading and you have been writing great reports. Write a haiku of your research project using the format below. For example, if I was going to summarize the rainforest, I would write. Use no more than 17 words Arrange these often in lines of words Avoid similes and metaphors Rainforest Parrots chattering A rainbow of color and sound Break the quiet of beauty
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task of the day You are a diamond to me! Please write a DIAMOND POEM about your nonfiction research project. When writing a diamond poem, words should Form a diamond shape. Line 1: Noun Line 2: Adjective, Adjective Line 3: A sentence with an action Line 4: Adjective, Adjective Line 5: Noun—synonym of first noun on line 1 for example: Redwood tree Towering, strong It needs our protection Ancient, endangered Sequoia Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Are You Tired of the Cold Weather? Let’s plot the temperature for the past week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday degrees Friday degrees Saturday degrees Sunday degrees What do you notice? Based on the line graph, what would you say the range of numbers is? What is the maximum number? Minimum: Any pattern? What’s your prediction for tomorrow’s temperature? What do you think the temperature is now? Complete the graph at your desk and bring it to Morning Meeting. One lucky person will be chosen to record the temperature for the week.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day You are a diamond to me! Please write a DIAMOND POEM about your nonfiction research project. When writing a diamond poem, words should Form a diamond shape. Line 1: Noun Line 2: Adjective, Adjective Line 3: A sentence with an action Line 4: Adjective, Adjective Line 5: Noun—synonym of first noun on line 1 for example: Redwood tree Towering, strong It needs our protection Ancient, endangered Sequoia
News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task of the day Good morning. This morning’s writing prompt asks you to use your imagination. Imagine you are the star of your own TV show! What would the show be about? Describe why you chose the show? Who are the characters? What time would it be on? What is the show about? Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task A school cafeteria had a “Back to the Future “sale and is selling snacks at unbelievable prices. Popsicles are 25 cents, Nutty Buddies are 40 cents, and ice cream sandwiches are 30 cents. If a student spent $6.00 in the month of October, what could the student have bought? List as many combinations as you can find. Your task for the day
News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task Dear Sound Collectors, On your desk is a word that is an onomatopoeia. Please draw a picture of the word and bring your drawing to Morning Meeting. Your greeting will be the sound on the card. NewsYour task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task Dear Students Who Are as Bright as the Stars in the sky, What you just read was a simile. It compares to things, usually with the words “like” or “as”. Think of a simile that can describe YOU. (It must be kind to you, not silly, and appropriate!). For example, “My name is Mrs. Biondi and I am as busy as a bee gathering honey before a storm”. Write your simile on the card and illustrate it. Bring it to Morning Meeting. Please make sure it is colorful so we can display them.. NewsYour task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Batboys and Batgirls, Bats are amazing creatures that have many adaptations to help them survive. There is a lot of information about bats. Some are facts, some are opinions and some are false facts or myths. Write something you know about bats.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task Dear Friends, What can you do to make today special? Can you listen more attentively? Be kind to someone? Please write what you pledge to do today that will make it a special day. NewsYour task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Task Dear Creative Minds, It’s that time again. Think of a holiday you would like to create. Your job is to design a card to honor that holiday, but also to explain and convince someone at the card company that your holiday should be celebrated. Please make sure you answer all parts and are appropriate. NewsYour task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Reduce Reuse Recycle Good Morning, Recyclers, We have been on the lookout for items that can be recycled or reused. I know some of our classroom supplies aren’t’ useful anyone. Instead of throwing them away, let’s see if we can find otter uses for them. Take a list of the material below. Do you have any ideas about how to use them in different ways? Write one idea on the chart. Item New use Dried out markers picture frame Old game pieces models or dioramas
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Animal Habitat Content: nocturnal animal habitat vocabulary: nocturnal, diurnal, habitat Dear Nighttime Wonderers, At our meeting today, we will talk about what life is like for nocturnal creatures. Think about how our lives would be different if we were nocturnal.What time would we get to school? what would recess be like? What would you like or not like about being nocturnal? Write your thoughts in your Writers Notebook and bring it to Morning Meeting.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Message-Dear Scientists, This week we will be learning about science and ecosystems. An ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment. Fill in the chart below with one fact that you know about ecosystems and one question that you want to know about ecosystems. Use the yellow Post It for what you know and the blue Post it for what you want to know.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Dear Class, What is your favorite animal? Write it on a Post It and put it on the board. We will use it to make a graph. Please describe the animal in your Writers Notebook.. DO NOT tell anyone what it is. Tell what it eats, what it looks like, where it lives. Bring it to Morning Meeting with you.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day Every day new things happen to us and we don’t have time to share them. Today is an exception. Write down one new thing about you that no one knows…or most people don’t know. For example, my “secret” is that I am on a panel this week to talk to new teachers. Write down your “secret” on the note card and give it to Mrs. Biondi or Ms. Crea. Don’t write your name on the card. We will try to guess the secrets.
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day
Good Morning News Unpack and get ready for class. Hand in your homework. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil and your Readers Notebook and Binder on your desk. Begin the task on the right and the task on your desk if there is one. Your task for the day