Kitchen: fridge resting on debris blocking entrance to utility room
Kitchen & utility room being gutted
Before hurricane: Vacation Bible School
Damaged Fellowship Hall
Gutting kitchen
F.H.: Golden Day Deaf Way Chat (Senior Citizens watching old black & white movie)
Fellowship Hall: Lounge area
Damaged lounge area
Damaged storage in fellowship hall
Gutted office, lounge area & storages
Almost finished renovating kids’ room … damaged
Gutted kids’ room
Sanctuary on left & Fellowship hall/ apartment on right
Fellowship hall: after hurricane
After hurricane
Fellowship hall
Behind: Fellowship hall on left & Sanctuary on right
Breezeway between hall & sanctuary
Ruslan Kulikov, church member standing at 6’ tall next to flood’s markline on wall
Front of Sanctuary after hurricane
Sanctuary after hurricane
Damaged shed behind sanctuary caused by Hurricane Katrina
Damaged sanctuary
Damaged Bible
Undamaged cross!
Debris front of fellowship hall
Debris front of sanctuary
Debris on side of Fellowship hall
Debris removal next day
Debris removal
…that foundation is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10
Rebuilding Begins