Molecules and Functional Groups Douglas Burks BIO231: Introduction to Cell Wilmington College
Carbon Biological molecules based on carbon four bonds BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Biological molecules based on carbon four bonds middle range electronegativity forms bonds with many different elements forms bonds easily with self enabling large molecules to form functional groups are the groups that attach to carbon oxygen nitrogen sulfur
Polar vs nonpolar bonds BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Polar C-O-H C= O N-H C-P P-O-H P=O Non polar C-C C=C C-N C-H C-S
Functional Groups Give characteristics to molecules Oxygen based BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Give characteristics to molecules Oxygen based Hydroxyl polar forms hydrogen bonds. Carboxyl group acidic forms ion salt bridges
Functional Groups Ether polar group Ester group polar BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Ether polar group Ester group polar
Functional groups Carbonyl group polar double bonded oxygen BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Carbonyl group polar double bonded oxygen terminal carbon aldehyde internal carbon ketone
Functional Groups Nitrogen based functional groups amino (amine) BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Nitrogen based functional groups amino (amine) nitrogen and hydrogen polar amino acids imino group double bond carbon to nitrogen
Functional groups Sulfur based thiol group disulfide bridge nonpolar BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Sulfur based thiol group nonpolar disulfide bridge forms between two thiol groups
Functional groups Phosphate phosphorus oxygen inonizable BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Phosphate phosphorus oxygen inonizable
Functional groups Hydrocarbon nonpolar methyl group acetyl group BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Hydrocarbon nonpolar methyl group one carbon acetyl group two carbons
Functional groups Cyclic phenyl phenol nonpolar OH group BIO231: Introduction to Cell Biology Fall 201 Cyclic phenyl nonpolar phenol OH group