Spokesmouse’s News Agenda: o VC 22nd April o 12th-13th May posters for EPAC (Vittorio Palladino) o VC 20th May o VC 17th June o CM27 (RAL) 7th-10th July, results for ICHEP o ICHEP July in Paris Neutrino and accelerator parallel sessions. o VC 12th August o VC 2nd September o CM28 (Sofia) 3rd-8th October, results for NuFact (Roumen Tsenov) o 14th October - talk rehearsals if required (Vittorio Palladino) o NuFact10, 20th-25th October o VC 28th October o VC 18th November o VC 16th December 1. Normally TBs will be on monday and EBs on friday of the same week as VC’s (not this week due to FAC meeting) 2. VCs will be at 15:00 UK time (i.e. 14:00GMT in summer and 15:00 GMT in winter)
Spectrometer Solenoids situation As described at CM26 the next attempt to run the “magnet 2” has led to a failure in the area of the low temperature current leads. It is becoming clear that the technological choice of cooling these rather large magnets with cryocoolers (cheaper and less space-consuming than a large fridge) requires near perfection in both design and execution. Investigations are continuing. Measurements were made to establish the heat loads and the Helium consumption – they are found higher than they should. The magnet is now open for inspection. A number of steps are being taken -- To increase/stabilize personnel working on the magnets both at LBNL and at RAL. (not public yet) -- Estimating cost of large fridge (unlikely to work, but checking) -- A working plan will be drawn in consultation with the solenoid review panel who will meet by video in the week of May2-5. We aim at having one solenoid in time to start stepII in March Step III 3 months later. (working assumptions for the rest of the project)
Computer access to RAL discussion on “MICE Computing Requirements”took place at CM26 HEPLNW17 computer crash and tightening of access restrictions at RAL have caused considerable disruption. Emphasizes: A. personnel in MICE charged with support is very thin! B. difficulties understanding host/guest relationships C. Issues of data transfer, where do we perform computing, etc… Successful discussion.. thanks to Linda and the panel!
EB agreed with conclusions of the panel (with some questions regarding the data base synchronizations etc..) actions: Wrote to PPD head requesting support from RAL PPD IT Malcolm will act as contact with RAL PPD (he is doing it) -- the idea that MICE visitors could be using the STFC-staff network will not work -- request that user/pass be awarded for one year rather than a month. -- new servers will be installed asap.
At CM26 we had a successful schedule discussion: -- schedules were concatenated at TB -- discussed in the progress talks -- presented to collaboration on last day Andy prepared next iteration (next slide) please use this one for talks and posters.
Running in 2010 we will continue to run evenings and WEEK ENDS Week ends are preferred because they offer better ratio of running/overhead-time Week day evening remain necessary for testing new things or things that are absolutely needed for next week end but may require intervention during a working day. Please make sure that shift list is full for running weekends About ISIS schedule: A common mistake is to read the ISIS schedule off the ISIS web page. This is the user’s run only. We often run during machine physics periods which do not appear on the ISIS page This has led to lack of coverage of some expert areas of MICE! Use the ISIS schedule excel sheet off the MICO page ISIS scheduleISIS schedule (password protected)
Funding Agency Committee Tomorrow we have the MICE FAC at RAL MEETING ROOM CR3, BUILDING R61, OPEN SESSION PRESENTATIONS: – Introduction – Alain Blondel (10 minutes) MICE Beam Line commissioning – Ken Long (25 minutes plus discussion) MICE Detectors and first results – Maurizio Bonesini (25 minutes plus discussion) Cooling Channel Preparations – Mike Zisman (25 minutes plus discussion) close session in the afternoon. MICE report is MICE note 288: MICE STATUS REPORT – April 2010 please check for omissions, mistakes etc….
1.Minutes of the last meeting 2.Actions and Matters Arising(20 minutes) 2. Funding Status (Statement from each representative)Oral (30 minutes) 3.Reports from: 3.1MICE Spokesperson Alain Blondel + Mike Zisman(40 minutes) 3.2MICE Project Manager Oral Andy Nichols(20 minutes) Tea 2.20 – STFC MICE Project Board – existing committeeOral Norman McCubbin(15 minutes) 3.4MICE Project Board – future committeeOral Steve Peggs(20mins) 4.Common FundOral(30 minutes) 5. Any Other BusinessOral closed session starting at 13:15