DAT 407 Advanced Report Authoring With SQL Server Reporting Services Brian Welcker Group Program Manager SQL Server Reporting Services Microsoft
GoalsGoals Demonstrate broad set of report design features Build several reports of increasing complexity Discuss key report definition concepts Present tips, tricks and workarounds
Creating Reports Use Report Designer hosted in Visual Studio.NET Start with Report wizard or blank report Import from Microsoft Access XP or 2003 Charts and code-behind are not imported Redesign your top reports to use Reporting Services features Use 3rd party tools that target Reporting Services Proclarity, Panorama, Cizer, MIS AG Full list at:
Creating Reports
Report Items TextboxImageLineRectangleSubreport Data Regions (List, Table, Matrix, Chart) Custom Report Items coming in SQL Server 2005! $100,000
Item Styles All Report Items Background Color Background Image Border Color Border Style Border Width PaddingCharts Background Gradient TextboxesColor Font Family Font Size Font Style Font Weight Format Line Height Text Align Text Decoration Vertical Align
ListsLists Repeating regions with freeform layout Similar to “bands” in other report writers But multiple lists can sit side-by-side! Lists inside lists to get multiple levels of grouping Use for complex repeating areas Brian Jason Steve $10,000 $20,000 $30,000
TablesTables Like lists with columns Fixed columns, repeating rows Table cells can span columns Multiple table rows per record Table cells can contain any report item Faster and smaller than lists Easier to align items Use for most reports $80,000 Grand Total $50,000EastTotal $30,000NorthTotal SalesRegionPerson $50,000EastSteve $20,000NorthDan $10,000NorthBrian
MatricesMatrices Repeats in row and column directions Also known as pivot table or cross tab Arbitrary formatting in headers Different formatting for subtotals Matrix cells can contain any report item Use when column headings are records in your data $720$760$600 Total $300$400$300 Steve $300$250$200 Jason $120$110$100 Brian Sales
ChartsCharts Data from fields in the data set or from expressions Full set of chart properties and types Style enhancements in SP1 Same data functionality as Matrix
Expressions and Interactivity
ExpressionsExpressions Most properties take expressions Values from the data sets Values of other items on the report Values of global properties and user properties Expressions use Visual Basic.NET syntax Aggregates: Sum, Avg, Count, Min, First, etc. Examples=Fields!Name.Value =Fields!First.Value & " " & Fields!Last.Value =Sum(Fields!Sales.Value) =IIf(Sum(Fields!Sales.Value)>10, "green", "red")
ParametersParameters Report parameters can be used in report expressions (including binding to query parameters) Set of valid values and default values can be static or query-based Parameters can be hierarchical Selection of parameter value can drive later valid values Accessed using global Parameters collection, e.g. =IIF(Fields!Sales.Value > Parameters!Goal.Value, “PASS", “FAIL")
Making Reports Interactive Actions can be added to report items Drill down within a report Drill through to a different report Bookmarks jump within a report Hyperlinks any web page Document map shows report structure
Tips and Tricks a.k.a. “Sleazy Hacks”
Green Bar Conditional formatting on contents of table cells Background color expression =iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2,“Green","White")
Page Break After N Rows “Hidden” page break grouping Group expression =Ceiling(RowNumber(Nothing)/30) No header or footer Page break at end of group
Running Total Running aggregate function =RunningValue(Fields!SalesAmt.Value, Sum, Nothing)
Simulated End-User Sorting “Sort By” report parameter Values = Names of fields to sort by “Direction” report parameter Values = Ascending, Descending, None
Simulated End-User Sorting Two sort expressions on table Ascending sort =iif(Parameters!Direction.Value= "Ascending", Fields(Parameters!SortBy.Value).Value,0) Descending sort =iif(Parameters!Direction.Value= “Descending", Fields(Parameters!SortBy.Value).Value,0) SQL Server 2005 will have auto-sort and filter built in!
Simulated “All” Parameters String parameter (Country) Query contains Valid Values list contains “All” Mapped to value of “%”
Simulated “All” Parameters Integer parameter (Year) Query contains and “ and Valid Values contains “All” Mapped to value of 0 Query parameter expression for MaxYear =iif(Parameters!Year.Value=0,10000,Parameter s!Year.Value) Alternate Method: Construct the query as an expression
Custom Code
Custom Code - Definition Define function in Code property (VB.NET) Public Function IsGood(Percent as Single, EmpCount as Integer) as Boolean If (Percent * 100 / EmpCount) > 7 […] End Function Link in any.NET Assembly Call or instance-based methods CAS determines code privileges
Custom Code - Usage Use code in any expression E.g. Conditional formatting =iif(Code.IsGood(ReportItems!Percent.Value,ReportItems!EmployeeCount.Value),"Green","Black") External Assemblies =Code.CurrencyConverter.Convert(Fields!Sa les.Value, “eur”, “usd”)
Deploying Reports Copies reports, images, and data sources to Report Server via Web Service After you deploy Set security permissions Set up caching and scheduled execution Set up subscriptions Bask in the admiration of your co- workers!
Additional Resources Reporting Services web site Reporting Services newsgroup news:microsoft.public.sqlserver.reporting svcs news:microsoft.public.sqlserver.reporting svcs Course 2030: Creating Reporting Solutions /2030AFinal.asp /2030AFinal.asp SQL Server Community Sites
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