2 INTRODUCTION This is a report on the results of interviews conducted on August 22, The purpose of the interviews was to improve the questionnaire on tracer study developed by the participants of the International Workshop on Tracer Study in Higher Education and Labor Market Signal Analysis held from August 19 to August 25, 2003 in Yogyakarta. This report focuses on the comments of alumni on the questionnaire content and for that matter their experiences in the university study and place of work.
3 The sources of information were interviewees who were alumni of UGM and came from various programs in the university. They were invited to the Yogyakarta Plaza Hotel for the purpose of filling out the tracer study questionnaires and to be interviewed about the questionnaire. There were 57 interviewees and 13 participant interviewers.
4 The number of interview sheets analyzed was 22 but there were actually more than 22 since there were sheets wherein the answers of more than one respondent were recorded on one sheet. Five interviewers recorded the answers of two or more respondents on one sheet; therefore, there were more 22 respondents. The interviews lasted from 10 to 60 minutes each.
5 The comments of the respondents were listed in detail; thereafter synthesis and implications for the university and questionnaire improvement are given.
6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Question 1. Was your univ. study the main factor in helping to find a job? (1) Yes = 9, No=3 (2) Not precisely = 2 (3) No notation =1 (4) Add Recommendation 1 (5) Friends and Recommendation 1 (6) No experience 2 (7) Cooperation between UGM and industry, extracurricular activities 2 (8) In addition to the nine yes, 1 explains “to be a lecturer, yes, but doubtful for other fields of work”
7 Synthesis: There is evidence that the majority of respondents believe that the university study is instrumental to find a job. Implication: University still appears to be relevant to the job market.
8 Question 2. What is it in your univ. study that helps you find a job? (1) The course is in demand/very marketable 2 (2) active student in organization 4 (3) The great name of the university 8 (4) networking of the alumni association 4 (5) Technical and logical thinking pattern 3 (6) No notation 3 (7) Specialization 2 (8) Innovative student 1 (9) Great motivation 1 (10) have a practical skill 1 (11) good personal networking 1 (12) Research 1 (13) faculty job path 1
9 Synthesis: The reputation of the university is important in finding job, just as networking, specialization, personal, logical and practical skills, experience in students’ organizations. Implications: Apparently we need to add items on networking and students’ organizations, and to retain items on skills, competencies, abilities and attitudes, and to add items on teaching and research.
10 Question 3. What competencies are most needed in your job? (1) The English language 7 (2) Knowledge on his specialization 3 (3) Manage people 1 (4) communication skills 4 (5) How to expose ourselves (comm.. skills and personal development skills) 1 (6) No notation 2 (7) Managerial skill 2 (8) Presentation skill 1 (9) Advanced knowledge 1 (10) Social skill1 (11) Ability 1 (12) Knowledge 2 (13) Soft skill (computer) 1 (14) Analysis capability 1 (15) Problem assessment 1 (16) Specific skills in doing research and lecture 1 (17) Biotechnology 1
11 Synthesis: English language, communication skills, knowledge of specializations, managerial and social skills are critical factors in the job. Implications: The items on competencies (i.e. knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values) should be retained, but items on management skills and presentation skills should be added.
12 Question 4. Which of the competencies are developed in your university study? (1) Management of people 1 (2) Communication skill 2 (3) Entrepreneurship 1 (4) Expertise and independence 1 (5) Teamwork 3 (6) Technical skills 3 (7) Logical thinking pattern 2 (8) Self-confidence 1 (9) Innovative thinking 1 (10) No notation 2 (11) None 1
13 (12) Knowledge of our specializations, and our univ. just develops half 1 (13) Our univ. only develops our hidden potentials 1 (14) Only knowledge 1 (15) the course 1 (16) university culture 1 (One remarked about very little encouragement for technical skills and communication skill, suggesting more training, more school activities, more on-the-job training.)
14 Synthesis: The answers stressing the importance of knowledge and skills confirm the answers to earlier items. This suggests evidence of reliability. We must take notes, however, of one remark that there is the need for more courses in technical and communication skills. Implications: It appears that the coverage of the questionnaire on competencies is adequate.
15 Question 5. What stories would you like to share with us about your university study which may be related to your present work? (1) Presence of engineering projects 1 (2) Teaching, research, and lectures 1 (3) How benefited to be in a students’ association 1 (4) Because I failed once to get a scholarship and because I failed to win competition against graduates from other universities, I am motivated to learn communication skills 1 (5) No guarantee being univ.people in terms of job placement 2 (6) UGM is headed to be a research univ. but it develops and puts more attention to diploma programs only; it is not appropriate 1 (7) Leadership and entrepreneurship 1 (8) Overall quality is decreasing 1 (9) No notation 5
16 (10) Students who complete the thesis fast are also quickly employed but high GPA does not guarantee a quick employment 1 (11) No job two years after 2 graduation 1 (12) Self-employment because he has research skills 1 (13) The relationship between lecturer and students 1 (14) Improvement of students’ capability 1 (15) More course exercises and more experiments 1 (16) Practicum 1 (17) Research very serious 1 (18) Can not recall because he graduated in (19) There used to be students’ teamwork, now not anymore 1
17 Synthesis: The many and unvaried “stories” on the university study suggest differences in needs, job circumstances and workplace requirements. GPA is not given importance in the workplace, suggesting the need for coordination between the workplace and the university. Implications: There is the need for the university to increase coverage and depth of competencies. The university should develop linkage with the potential employers. The questionnaire should limit participation to cohorts who graduate in the past five years.
18 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Generally, the questionnaire is able to capture the information required in a tracer study like this. However, it appears that it could still be improved by adding items on competencies on the development of management and networking skills. Group members are Jess (Philippines), Lien (Indonesia), Koentjoro (Indonesia), Oktova (Indonesia), Mesta (Indonesia), Aida (Philippines), and Flor (Philippines). Harald (Germany) acted as consultant.