Physics Lawrence Free State HS
Oather Strawderman Grew up in the Air Force Wichita South HS grad Bachelors and Masters in Science Education from KU Additional 55 credit hours in Physics Education after Masters 16 years of teaching experience, all at Lawrence Free State HS
Family GailBarley
Three passions in life outside of my family.
Running 2 time Marathon finisher ◦ Wichita ◦ St. Louis 2 time ½ Ironman finisher ◦ Muncie Endurathon ◦ Kansas Speedway Tulsa Marathon in November
Physics AP Physics Reader ◦ One of 140 HS and College Physics teachers who grade all the AP Physics tests Presented at National AP Conference ◦ Use of Online Labs in AP Physics Presented at National AAPT Conference ◦ Measuring Centripetal Force in Vertical Circular Motion with Force Probe Lead Research Teacher for KU QuarkNet Center
Physics Focus Items Conceptual Understanding Inquiry Based Constructivist Approach Model Building Active
General Focus Items Group Work Presentation Skills Problem Solving Skills Organization
Course Outline: 1 st Semester 1. Constant Velocity Motion 2. Constant Acceleration Motion 3. Newton’s 1 st and 3 rd Laws 4. Newton’s 2 nd Law 5. 2-Dimensional Motion 6. Rotational Motion
Course Outline: 2 nd Semester 7. Work and Simple Machines 8. Energy 9. Momentum 10. Rotational Motion 11. Waves and Optics 12. Circuits
Materials Needed for Class Three Ring Binder (Physics Notebook) Paper Pencil Scientific Calculator
Grading 50% : Tests: Multiple Choice 40% : Physics Notebook, graded Test day 10% : Lab Practicum Grades come in bunches of 3 every 3 wks Grade based on Physics knowledge not ability to turn stuff in on time
Website Notebook Outlines Smart Board Files Worksheets Online Resources
Contact Information ext. 4600