computing ESSENTIALS CHAPTER Privacy and Security computing ESSENTIALS
2 Competencies Negative effects Privacy Security Ergonomics Environment computing ESSENTIALS
3 Negative Effects Effective implementation of technology Maximize positive effects Minimize negative effects Significant concerns Privacy Security Ergonomics Environment computing ESSENTIALS
4 Privacy Laws often do not keep up with technology Ethics Standards of moral conduct Computer ethics Guidelines for morally acceptable computer use Property Access Privacy Accuracy computing ESSENTIALS
5 Large Databases Information on citizens and consumers compiled daily Banks, utilities, grocery stores Hospitals, doctor’s offices Government Social Security Number Used for ID number on forms Information resellers Contact data is valuable computing ESSENTIALS
6 Information Without Consent Information collected and used without the person’s knowledge Shopping habits, video rentals Medical records Banking transactions Federal government Know Your Customer Total Information Awareness project computing ESSENTIALS
7 Inaccurate Information Inaccurate data can be circulated Data propagation can spread mistakes to other databases Laws can help Correct credit data Freedom of Information Act computing ESSENTIALS
8 Private Networks Employers legally monitor Snoopware used in 75% of businesses Online services right to censor content computing ESSENTIALS
9 Internet and Web Concerns about privacy on Web Illusion of anonymity Browser records pages visited Cookies monitor Times and pages visited Other private information computing ESSENTIALS
10 Cookies Programs that monitor Web activity Traditional cookies Monitor activity at one site Dormant other times Ad network cookies Spyware programs that record all Internet activity Web bugs Cookie-cutter programs computing ESSENTIALS
11 Privacy Laws Mostly cover government usage, but not private organizations Some current laws Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970) Freedom of Information Act (1970) Right to Financial Privacy Act (1974) Computer Abuse Amendments Act (1994) No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1997) computing ESSENTIALS
12 Code of Fair Information Practice Response to information privacy concerns Not law, but adopted by many information collecting businesses No secret databases Right of individual access Right of consent Right to correct Assurance of reliability and proper use computing ESSENTIALS
13 Security Threats to computer systems include Viruses Electronic break-ins Natural and other hazards Terrorist activity computing ESSENTIALS
14 Computer Criminals Employees Outside users “Hackers” and “crackers” Organized crime Terrorists computing ESSENTIALS
15 Computer Crime Damage to computers, programs or files Viruses and worms Denial of Service attack Theft Hardware, data, computer time Software piracy Manipulation computing ESSENTIALS
16 Other Hazards Other hazards to computer systems besides criminal misuse Natural hazards Earthquake, fire, floods, hurricanes Civil strife War, riots Technological failures Voltage surge, brownouts Human error Data-entry, programming errors computing ESSENTIALS
17 Security Measures Protecting information, hardware, software Principle methods Encrypting messages Pretty Good Privacy Restricting access Passwords, firewalls Anticipating disasters Disaster recovery plan Backing up data In case other measures fail computing ESSENTIALS
18 Security for Microcomputers Individuals should also implement security Some basic procedures Avoid extreme conditions Clean and protect equipment Avoid viruses Virus protection software Guard computer Cable locks, marking equipment Guard programs and data Store media securely computing ESSENTIALS
19 Ergonomics Study of human factors related to things people use Fitting the job to the worker Improve productivity Health issues Physical health Mental health computing ESSENTIALS
20 Physical Health Sitting in awkward position for long periods Eyestrain and headache Back and neck pain Repetitive strain injury (RSI) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome computing ESSENTIALS
21 Ideal Microcomputer Work Environment computing ESSENTIALS
22 Mental Health Technology can be counterproductive Noise Voice input/output Printers Cooling fans, equipment vibration Excessive monitoring Time of customer service calls Number of keystrokes Less is more computing ESSENTIALS
23 Ergonomic Design Devices made with less features Simpler to use, setup Fewer buttons and lights Plug and Play Adjustable equipment Chairs, footrests, lighting Ergonomic devices Keyboards, mouse, glare screens computing ESSENTIALS
24 The Environment Greatest user of electricity in workplace Energy Star program with Green PC System Unit Display Manufacturing computing ESSENTIALS
25 A Look to the Future Presence Technology Currently used with Instant Messaging software May spread to other devices Television Automobile PDAs, cell phones Potential loss of privacy Abused by advertisers Abused by government computing ESSENTIALS
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