Overview, Compliance, and Accountability: Keeping it between the Lines 65 th FAPT Summer Symposium Punta Gorda, June 24, 2013 Presented By: Charlie Hood, FDOE
Monitoring: FDOE no longer performs on- site monitoring process FDOE still authorized to review district compliance when need exists Self-evaluation work papers available to districts FDOE can assist districts with self-evaluation
Basic Rules of the Road 1.School Bus Evacuation Drills & Emergency Evacuation Instructions a. Rules 6A , FAC 2.School Bus Loading Zones a. Sections (1) and 1013, F.S. b. Rule 6A , FAC 3.Driver Licensure, Training, and Qualifications a. Sections , and , F.S. b. Rules 6A , 6A and 6A , FAC 4.School Bus Inspections and Records a. Sections and , F.S. b. Rule 6A , FAC 5.Special Needs Transportation Multiple Federal mandates (mostly IDEA) 6.District Policies & Procedures Chapter 6A-3, FAC; specific policies vary by district
SOPs as a Way of Work: Establish schedule for examination of records Establish clear policy and procedures Secure and protect records, but provide ease of access Go paperless, where possible Designate primary staff member(s) Cross-train, provide back- up staff Limit access to the records Ask, “Do we need to keep this?”
Statutes & Rules: Statutes are set by the Florida Legislature FLDOE cannot change laws, but can sometimes interpret Parents need to know what’s discretionary, what’s not Statutes are found at Education rules are set by the State Board of Education Rules and chapter law are found in the Florida Administrative Code, at
Federal Regs Fed. Motor Carrier Safety Regs (FMCSRs) established by the Fed. Motor Carrier Safety Admin. (FMCSA) Some FMCSRs apply, many don’t (which are which?) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sets Fed. Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) NHTSA also provides guidance (e.g., Pre- school Seating Guidelines and Curriculum)
And now a word from our Statutes and Rules index…
Required District Policies, include: Prohibiting Unnecessary Bus Idling Prohibiting Use of Cell Phones while Driving Safe Driver Plans Annual Instructions to Students and Parents on Trans Safety Field and Activity Trips Securing Equipment on Bus Student Conduct Routes and Stops
Hazardous Walking… Only applies to public elementary school students whose grade level does not exceed grade 6. Requires joint inspection by district and road jurisdiction, documented Requires mutual determination that areas meets statutory criteria Requires web-based reporting to FDOE by end of each survey week
Site Checklist:
Length Of Time On Board The Bus… 6A A Responsibilities of School Districts for Student Transportation. Each school district shall exercise specific powers and responsibilities, as follows: (6) Routes and schedules. (c) To plan routes, so far as practicable, so that no elementary student shall be on a bus more than fifty (50) minutes or secondary school student more than one (1) hour during the morning or evening, and so that no more than an hour and one-half will elapse between the time the student boards the bus and the time school begins, or the time school closes and the student leaves the bus in the afternoon, and to arrange proposed routes which, insofar as possible, are free from major hazards.
Reasonable Walking Distance… 6A Basic Principles for Transportation of Students. (3) A reasonable walking distance for any student who is not otherwise eligible for transportation pursuant to Section , Florida Statutes, is any distance not more than two (2) miles between the home and school or one and one-half (1 1/2) miles between the home and the assigned bus stop. Such distance shall be measured from the closest pedestrian entry point of the property where the student resides to the closest pedestrian entry point of the assigned school building or to the assigned bus stop. The pedestrian entry point of the residence shall be where private property meets the public right-of-way. The district shall determine the shortest pedestrian route whether or not it is accessible to motor vehicle traffic.
Overcrowding… Section , F.S., allows districts to transport students up to the rated seating capacity of the bus, and, If emergency requires transporting more, bus must be operated at reduced speed; must provide prompt relief through re-routing or other means Rule 6A , FAC, requires drivers to keep aisles and exits clear at all times What are the actual loads on your buses? How many middle/high students will fit?
“The State Made Us Do It” Train staff in what’s in state law, what’s in state rules, and what’s not Train staff in local policies, procedures, and best practices (and define those terms) FDOE provides factual information on laws and rules to support FAPT and districts Example: FDOE may provide training or guidance, but the school district decides where to place a bus stop.
Charlie’s ZERO TOLERANCE List: Leaving a child on the bus Drivers not wearing belts (or improper use) Drivers using cell phones or texting en route Unauthorized stop locations (except in emergency) Excess idling Dropping students off at wrong stop, especially very young students Failure to comply with requirements for driver training, licensure, or qualifications Operating non-compliant buses Allowing fear of lawsuits to cloud decisions
You’re not alone. Just ask… FAPT ( Fellow directors and staff (FAPT surveys) FDOE ( or call or NHTSA ( Florida Statutes ( State Board of Education Rules ( National Associations (nasdpts.org; napt.org; yellowbuses.org)
Some resources: District Transportation contacts list Self evaluation work papers Statutes and Rules index Fact sheets from FDOE (drivers, hazwalk, others???) Google and Internet (of course)
Why does it matter? Maintaining confidence and trust by administration and school board Effective leadership of staff and organization Positive relations with media (and mitigating negative reports) Minimizing negative findings following a crash Minimizing dissatisfaction by parents, drivers, other staff And, of course…