Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20151 If you modify this powerpoint, update the version information below. This slide is hidden from slideshow Version – Justyn Poulos
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20152 H. Implementation Plan
Critical Element/Trainer Presentations PBIS Implementation GoalWorkbookExamples and Tools H.Implemen- tation Plan 35.A curriculum to teach the components of the discipline system to all staff is developed and used. a.Training included all components: referral process (flowchart), definitions of problem behaviors, explanation of major vs. minor forms, and how the data will be used to guide the team in decision-making. Rollout Checklist Module H - Self- Assessment and Action Plan New Staff PBIS Training North Point HS PBIS For Staff ppt 36.Plans for training staff how to teach expectations/rules/rewards are developed, scheduled and delivered. a.The team scheduled time to present and train faculty and staff on lesson plans to teach students expectations and rules including checks for accuracy of information or comprehension. b.Training included all components: plans to introduce the expectations and rules to all students, explanation of how and when to use formal lesson plans, and how to embed behavior teaching into daily curriculum. 37.A plan for teaching students expectations/rules/rewards is developed, scheduled, and delivered. a.Students are introduced/taught all of the following: school expectations, rules for specific setting, and the acknowledgement system guidelines. Howard OMMS (Lesson Plan Opening Week) North Point HS PBIS for Students Opening Week Schedule WorchesterPocomoke El. Behavior Framework 38.Booster sessions for students and staff are planned, scheduled, and delivered a.Booster sessions are planned and delivered to re-teach staff/students at least once in the year and additionally at times when the data suggest problems by an increase in discipline referrals per day per month or a high number of referrals in a specified area. Expectations and rules are reviewed with students regularly (at least 1x per week). 39.Schedule for rewards/incentives for the year is planned a.There is a clear plan for the type and frequency of acknowledgement/incentives to be delivered throughout the year. 40.Plans for orienting incoming staff and students are developed and implemented a.Team has planned for and carries out the introduction of PBIS and training of new staff and students throughout the school year. 41.Plans for involving families/community are developed & implemented a.Team has planned for the introduction and on-going involvement of school-wide PBIS to families/community (i.e. newsletter, brochure, PTA, open-house, team member, etc.) b.Team has planned for the introduction and on-going involvement of PBIS to families/community (e.g., newsletter, brochure, PTA, open ‑ house, team member, etc.). What is PBIS for parents Brochure (Publisher file) Brochure (pdf version) Parent Letter about PBIS Howard-Laurel Woods PBIS Brochure
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20154 Using Your Action Plan Organizes/records your SW PBIS process Keep a record of what has been completed Keep a record of what needs to be addressed Critical Elements guides the process What happens when you get back to your school? You may feel as though you are building your airplane in flight!!
EDS "Airplane" - YouTube
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20156 Critical Elements Establish a team/collaboration Faculty buy-in Establish a data-based decision-making system Modify discipline referral process/forms/definitions Establish expectations & rules Develop lesson plans & teach Create an acknowledgement system Refine consequences Monitor, evaluate, and modify
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20157 Activities PBIS team should revisit these after training Assist your team in the implementation of each critical element Has guidelines and checklists to guide team discussion and decision making Keeps the team on the right track
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20158 Initial PBIS Meetings Implementation of PBIS (Getting the Critical Elements in place) – Discuss each element and put product book together – Faculty trainings – Student trainings – Faculty and student trainings may occur over several days throughout the year
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/20159 Book of Products Description of SW PBIS Mission Statement, PBIS Team Members Referral Process (flow chart) Referral forms (Major & Minor) Definitions of Problem Behaviors Expectations & Rules Lesson Plans Suggestions for Effective Consequences Description of Acknowledgement System
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Training the Staff When should training occur? Who should attend? How long should it last? Who should conduct the training?
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Faculty/Staff Orientation & Training Overview of SW PBIS Basic Principles of Behavior Referral process, definitions of behavior, referral forms, using data to make decisions Expectations, Rules, Lesson Plans Acknowledgement System, Effective Consequences
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Introducing SWPBIS to Students Intro to Expectations Intro to Rules Acknowledgement System
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Introductory Events - Kickoff All faculty and students participate Decide on method that will be most effective for your school Consider Importance/Impact - Activity/event should be a high priority… not given a few minutes in some other activity
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Creative Ideas: “Putting it into Practice” Provide students with a script that includes actions and words expected Rotate students through different settings-Teach the behaviors in the setting where the behaviors are expected to occur Have classes compete to come up with unique ideas (student projects, bulletin boards, skits, songs, etc…) Recognize staff for creative activities Video students role-playing to teach expectations and rules and show during morning show
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Sample Fall Training Schedule 8:25 – 8:45Teachers review day, go over schedule and explain training rotations. Hand out name tags and rotation passports. 8:45 – 9:00Monitor or video & class discussion Morning Training Schedule 9:00Training rotations begin with the following schedule: Colors Groups GoldJones, Pacchiano, Ames BlueAllen, Meyer, Cohen, Javier, GreenMeehan, Black RedWaldron, McCleskey, Michaels 9:00 – 9:40Session I: Arrival/Dismissal and CafeteriaTraining Gold & Blue report to front entrance Green & Red report to cafeteria
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Introducing PBIS to Families Methods of communication: Written - letters, newsletters, marques Face-to-Face -school and/or community training event Other - hold message, video demonstrations
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Introducing PBIS to Families What to communicate to families? The “big picture” – purpose of school-wide plan Expectations – how they can be demonstrated in non- school settings Reinforcements & consequences Plan for on-going updates of behavior data How they can get involved in the school-wide plan
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Activity H.1 Planning your Kickoff Begin planning: Orientation/training activities for faculty Kickoff for students Orientation for families
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Regular PBIS Meetings (1 hr per month) After PBIS implementation Typical content of meeting: – Pull data and determine areas needing intervention – Decide on ways to decrease problem areas – Decide next steps
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Other Considerations Teaching New Staff Members Booster Trainings Preventing Potential Problems
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Teaching New Staff Members Who is responsible for training new staff throughout the year? Means of instruction – Person-to-person – Written guide – Observations – Video
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Keeping it Fresh: Booster Trainings “Kick it up a Notch!!!” Plan for refresher training throughout the year – Person(s) responsible – Timeline – Instructional activities – Training for modifications to the plan Example: Review trend data from last year- build in the golden ticket acknowledgement- worth twice the value of original ticket
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Booster Training for Staff and Students New staff & students Beginning of the school year and near holidays/breaks Based on data
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Preventing Potential Problems Establish a plan to address problems and concerns during implementation Mechanism for communication (dialogue at staff meetings, note box, s, PBIS meetings, etc…) Maintaining staff/student involvement Family involvement
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Roll Out Checklist The Roll Out Checklist includes: – Teacher trainings – Teaching students – Administering acknowledgement system – Booster training sessions
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Activity H.2 Complete Rollout Checklist Rollout Checklist
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/8/ Complete Module H. Implementation Plan Self Assessment and Action Plan