PowerPoint Layout This is for a grade! Use L earned facts and SPA Brothers Guideline sheet to complete Assign slides to group members Must be very detailed Write out all information No squiggles ~~~~~~~ Write out everything, yes everything! – NO sentences – Capitalization, punctuation, spelling counts – Include pictures/clip used – Bibliography page included No redundant, or repeated information among slides Number pages in bottom right corner
SPA Brother Presentation Rubric ____(10) WHO? General Biography Information ____(15) WHAT? Ancient society ____(15) WHY? Famous ____(15) QUOTES 3 and explanation ____(15) HOW? Present-day society ____(15) DEPTH & COMPLEXITY (patterns, rules, trends, ethics, over time, perspectives) ____(15) PRESENTATION (elaboration, audible, neatness, hyperlink) ____(100) TOTAL
An Effective PowerPoint
Make It Big
Make it Big (Text) This is Arial 12 This is Arial 18 This is Arial 24 This is Arial 32 This is Arial 36 This is Arial 44 Must be at least 32 Too Small
SPA Brother Presentation Rubric ____(10) WHO? General Biography Information ____(15) WHAT? Ancient society ____(15) WHY? Famous ____(15) QUOTES 3 and explanation ____(15) HOW? Present-day society ____(15) DEPTH & COMPLEXITY (patterns, rules, trends, ethics, over time, perspectives) ____(15) PRESENTATION (elaboration, audible, neatness, hyperlink) ____(100) TOTAL
Make It Big (How to Estimate) Look at it from 7 feet away 7 ft
Keep It Simple
Keep It Simple (Text) Too many colors Too Too Many Fonts and Styles The 6 x 7 rule – No more than 6 lines per slide – No more than 7 words per line
Keep It Simple (Text) Instructional Technology: A complex integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems in situations in which learning is purposive and controlled (HMRS 5th ed.) Too detailed !
Keep It Simple (Text) A process involving people, procedures & tools for solutions to problems in learning (HMRS 5th ed.) Instructional Technology: Much Simpler
SPA Brother Presentation Rubric ____(10) WHO? General Biography Information ____(15) WHAT? Ancient society ____(15) WHY? Famous ____(15) QUOTES 3 and explanation ____(15) HOW? Present-day society ____(15) DEPTH & COMPLEXITY (patterns, rules, trends, ethics, over time, perspectives) ____(15) PRESENTATION (elaboration, audible, neatness, hyperlink) ____(100) TOTAL
Keep It Simple (Picture) Art work may distract your audience Artistry does not substitute for content
Keep It Simple (Sound) Sound effects may distract too Use sound only when necessary
Make It Clear
Make It Clear (Capitalization) ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARE DIFFICULT TO READ Upper and lower case letters are easier
Make It Clear (Fonts) Sanserif Z Serif Z busy clear
Make It Clear (Numbers) Use numbers for lists with sequence For example: How to put an elephant into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Put the elephant in 3. Close the door
Make It Clear (Complement) Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colors Colors do not complement
Make It Clear (Complement) Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colors These colours complement Use contrasting colors
Background – Bad Avoid backgrounds that are distracting or difficult to read from Always be consistent with the background that you use
Spelling and Grammar Proof your slides for: – Spelling mistakes – Use of of repeated words – Grammatical errors – Punctuation
Be Consistent Format should be the same – Font – Background – Bullet style
Some Final Words Communication is the key Text to support the communication Pictures to simplify complex concepts Animations for complex relationships Visuals to support, not to distract Sounds only when absolutely necessary
PowerPoint Layout This is for a grade! Use L earned facts and SPA Brothers Guideline sheet to complete Assign slides to group members Must be very detailed Write out all information No squiggles ~~~~~~~ Write out everything, yes everything! – NO sentences – Capitalization, punctuation, spelling counts – Include pictures/clip used – Bibliography page included No redundant, or repeated information among slides Number pages in bottom right corner
Bibliography Chen, Victor. “Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentations.” ERAU. 20 September <revitalise.ncsa.illinois.edu/workshops/.../ Effective_presentation.ppt >.
SPA Brother Presentation Rubric ____(10) WHO? General Biography Information ____(15) WHAT? Ancient society ____(15) WHY? Famous ____(15) QUOTES 3 and explanation ____(15) HOW? Present-day society ____(15) DEPTH & COMPLEXITY (patterns, rules, trends, ethics, over time, perspectives) ____(15) PRESENTATION (elaboration, audible, neatness, hyperlink) ____(100) TOTAL