The Retail Environment As Media Channel William DeJong, PhD Boston University School of Public Health Youth Alcohol Prevention Center Responsible Retailing Forum Pre-Conference April 18, 2006
Key Behavior Change Theories Theory of Planned Behavior –Theory of Reasoned Action Social Cognitive Theory –Social Learning Theory Health Belief Model
Theory Integration: Facilitating Conditions for Behavior Change The person forms a strong positive intention, or makes a commitment, to perform the behavior. There are no perceived environmental constraints that make it impossible for the behavior to occur.
Theory Integration ( cont’d ) The person possesses the skills necessary to perform the behavior. The person perceives that he or she has the capability to perform the behavior under a number of different circumstances.
Theory Integration ( cont’d ) The person believes that the benefits (advantages) of performing the behavior outweigh the costs (disadvantages). The person perceives that performance of the behavior is consistent with his or her self-image and personal standards.
Theory Integration ( cont’d ) The person perceives more normative pressure to perform the behavior than not to perform the behavior. –Descriptive norms (what people do) –Injunctive norms (what people should do)
Focus on Clerk Behavior Use the retail environment to create facilitating conditions for behavior change –Reminder message on store policy –Injunctive norms, communicated by the public –Reinforcement, provided by the public
Public Opinion Survey The Terrance Group April 19-21, 2005 Registered U.S. voters, ages 21 and older. Margin of error = +/- 3.1%
A Report for Store Clerks Question: Do Americans support the age 21 legal drinking age? You might think no…but the answer is: YES! A scientific survey* asked Americans for their opinion. The survey asked: Do you support the current law that makes it illegal to buy alcohol if you are under age 21? 87% of Americans say YES. They support the age 21drinking age.
A Report for Store Clerks (cont’d) Question: Do Americans mind waiting in line at the checkout counter while clerks check customers’ IDs? You might think yes…but the answer is: NO! The survey asked: Tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “I do not mind waiting n line at the checkout counter for the additional time it takes clerks to check IDs.” 89% of Americans AGREE. They do not mind waiting in line while clerks check customers’ IDs.
America’s Parents Support the Legal Drinking Age We Support America’s Parents If you see our clerks checking a customer’s ID, please say Thank You for doing a good job )We ask for ID before selling alcohol to a customer who appears to be age 30 or younger. 2)We check the ID to make sure it is real and belongs to the customer. 3)We refuse to sell alcohol to a customer with no valid ID.
No ID? No Sale. It’s not just you. Everyone who looks 30 or younger gets carded. When you see our clerks checking, why not thank them for doing a good job? We Support America’s Parents America’s Parents Support the Legal Drinking Age
Focus on Customer Behavior Use the retail environment to communicate information to customers: –Store policy –Enforcement of state laws –Parenting strategies
Enforcement of State Laws America’s Parents Support the Legal Drinking Age We Support America’s Parents Using a fake ID is a serious crime. Don’t take the risk. We check ID!
Parenting Strategies America’s Parents Support the Legal Drinking Age We Support America’s Parents Have you told your teenage children that you support the age 21 drinking law? Most Parents Do…and It Works!
America’s Parents Support the Legal Drinking Age We Support America’s Parents Do you hold your teenage children to a strict curfew? Most Parents Do…and It Works! Do you have your teenage children check in to tell you where they are? Do you spend a lot of family time with your teenage children? Do you have strict family rules to prohibit your teenage children from drinking?
Conclusion The retail environment is an underutilized “media channel.” Let the experiments begin!