Information Searching Skills for MA Researching Society Module 1.Searching Encore – print and electronic resources 2.Locating journal articles from citations 3.Searching databases for a literature review – building a search strategy 4.Accessing full text – webbridge and article reach 5.Other tips and tricks – data, journal alerts etc.
1. Searching Encore Locating specific items: Enter a couple of key words from the title and the author’s surname. Look out for e-books – these may not be the first record. Searching on a topic: Use the “advanced search” option to build a keyword search with Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT). Move between the “catalogue” and “article” tabs at the top to browse catalogue and database results.
2. Locating journal articles from citations Reference: Palys, T and Atchison, C (2012) Qualitative Research in the Digital Era: Obstacles and Opportunities, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11:4, pg Search for the journal title, not the article title in Encore/catalogue. Check the dates covered in each link. Browse the issues and volumes to find your article.
3. Searching databases Navigate to the list of key databases for Sociology.list of key databases for Sociology Note the descriptions of coverage and select a relevant resource. Select the advanced search option to combine your terms. Use the filter options on the right hand side to narrow your results. Tip: A comprehensive literature review is an iterative process Make a note of the terms and phrases that do or don’t work and amend your searches accordingly. What works in one database may not be ideal in another – they index differently Use the “Search techniques” sheet to ensure effective coverage.
3. Building search strategy An initial search about ethical issues/difficulties of different approaches to social research might look something like this: “social research” AND methodology AND ethics A more comprehensive search would look like this: "social research" AND (method* OR approach*) AND ethic* I could broaden it even further with: "social research" AND (method* OR approach*) AND (ethic* OR politic* OR values)
4. Accessing full text Some databases provide direct PDF links to items, others only provide a citation/abstract. Use the webbridge link to check for full text. If webbridge can’t provide a full text link, try: Article ReachArticle Reach: Webbridge will prompt you to submit a request. This will obtain a copy from another university and you a link. Document SupplyDocument Supply: We can obtain documents unavailable through any other route. Fill out a request form, get it approved by your supervisor and submit at the helpdesk.
4. Other tips Data: Use the Business and Economics tutorial (on the Library subject support pages) for guidance on finding social and panel data. cotutorial/sources/socialpanel/ If in doubt, book a consultation with a Librarian. Journal alerts, citation searching and other researcher skills: See our “Just about” videos on YouTube uIHCJKfBH