The giving and forgiving nature of God
In the passage from In the passage from Matthew’s Gospel, Matthew’s Gospel, we hear about we hear about the way in which God loves people and about the importance of forgiving. the way in which God loves people and about the importance of forgiving.
As you listen to the passage note down what surprises you what makes you stop and think how you feel words or phrases you like what is important to you
Based on the Gospel of Matthew Matthew 5 : The commandments say ‘ you shall not kill’. The commandments say ‘ you shall not kill’. But I say this to you. Don’t hold anger against your brother or sister. Anyone who calls a brother or sister names or considers him or her to be ‘good-for-nothing’ will be in danger of going to the fire of hell. But I say this to you. Don’t hold anger against your brother or sister. Anyone who calls a brother or sister names or considers him or her to be ‘good-for-nothing’ will be in danger of going to the fire of hell. So if you are going to offer your gift to God at the altar and you know that your brother or sister has anything against you, leave your gift there, in front of the altar. Go immediately and make peace with your brother or sister first. Then you can come back and offer your gift to God. So if you are going to offer your gift to God at the altar and you know that your brother or sister has anything against you, leave your gift there, in front of the altar. Go immediately and make peace with your brother or sister first. Then you can come back and offer your gift to God.
Why Matthew says that before you bring your gift to God at the altar you must have first of all made peace with your brothers and sisters? Why Matthew says that before you bring your gift to God at the altar you must have first of all made peace with your brothers and sisters? With your talking partner discuss
Take some time to mediate on what the passage is saying to you. Use your notes to help you. Take some time to mediate on what the passage is saying to you. Use your notes to help you. Discuss the thoughts Discuss the thoughts and feelings you have and feelings you have about the passage about the passage with your group. with your group.
God’s Love Make a list of all the words and phrases that describe God’s love and all that you have discovered about God’s love from your meditation and sharing. Make a list of all the words and phrases that describe God’s love and all that you have discovered about God’s love from your meditation and sharing.
Now use the list to make a portrait in words and/or pictures of a ‘son or daughter of our Father in heaven’ Now use the list to make a portrait in words and/or pictures of a ‘son or daughter of our Father in heaven’