1.Making healthy food choices 2.Staying active 3.Practicing good hygiene 4.Being a good citizen You can be a Community All Star by:
Healthy Eating
Eat breakfast everyday Select healthy food choices for meals and snacks Avoid foods with lots of sugar Drink lots of water Try new foods Healthy eating is easy!
Mix and Match these healthy snacks!
More Yummy Snack Ideas
Snack No-No’s With too many calories and too much sugar, fat and salt, these snacks are No-No’s!
Stay Active!
Be aware of the time you’re spending in front of screens (t.v., videogames, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.) Set limits – 2 hours or less each day Engage in face-to-face time with family and friends and get active! Limit screen time
Physical activity leads to healthier and happier lives. Get active every day for at least one hour Pick an activity you love Learn a new sport Walk instead of getting a ride or taking the bus Take the stairs when you can What are some active ways to play? Get physical
Practice Good Hygiene
Bacteria, sugar and time can cause dental problems Brush your teeth 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes each time Use a fluoride toothpaste Remember to floss! Take care of your teeth!
Wash your hands
Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing Put all used tissues in the garbage right away Cough or sneeze into the upper sleeve, not the hands, if a tissue is not available Clean hands after coughing or sneezing Cover your coughs and sneezes
Community Involvement You are part of a community. Your family, your friends, your school and your town all make up the community around you.
Help out at home – do your chores Be a good friend Consider how someone else will feel If you cannot say something nice don’t say anything at all Say please and thank you Be Helpful and Kind
Rules are important to stay safe and happy Follow the rules at home and at school Be respectful to others Follow the Rules
Tell the truth Don’t cheat Keep and follow through on promises Always return what you borrow “Honesty is always the best policy because ________________________________.” Be honest
Doing good things to help your community also benefits you through growth, enrichment, learning and making new friendships. Some Community Service activities are: Donating clothes to the needy Volunteering at your school breakfast club Picking up litter from a park Visiting an animal shelter to help with mealtime Community Service
If everyone reduced, reused and recycled their waste, then we wouldn't have any litter. Always dispose of garbage properly Reduce your waste Borrow when you can or buy things with less packaging Reuse what you already have Plastic bags, boxes, gift bags, food containers Recycle your paper, plastic and glass whenever it is an option Don’t Litter
Energy isn't free. Wasting energy isn't good for the environment. There’s lots we can do to save energy and protect our planet Save Energy
Turn off the lights when you leave a room Use natural daylight whenever possible Unplug your gadgets at the end of the day Don’t keep the fridge door open longer than needed Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth Turn off electronics when you’re not using them Energy Savings Tips
Do you have what it takes to be a Community All Star? You can participate in a contest that will run for 2 weeks starting on February 16 th. It will focus on how well you participate in the areas we’ve discussed: Make healthy food choices Stay active Practice good hygiene Help our in your community
Do you have what it takes to be a Community All Star?
Good luck!