The Puzzle of an Elementary Master Schedule Putting the Pieces Together!
Goals During this session you will understand the importance of a school-wide schedule to support multi-tiered instruction. We will discuss the importance and application of consistency in the instructional day, protection of instruction, time for interventions, the use of data, flexibility, collaboration time for staff and how each fits into an elementary master schedule.
Outcomes Understand how culture and vision impact a master schedule Identify legal and contractual requirements and how they impact a schedule Identify key attributes of a strong master schedule Prioritize what is important in your school and use data to support this decision Identify methods for improved collaboration and communication Evaluate sample master schedules and calendars
Why???? Maximize resources Connect priorities to actions Focus on coherence Strive for our school vision Increase student achievement
Culture Shared Goals/ Mission/ Vision Assessment/Data Instruction/ Systematic Response Leadership Professional Development Culture of Commitment/ Team
Culture Great organizations “simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle, or concept that unifies and guide everything…. (they) see what is essential, and ignore the rest.” Jim Collins
First, let’s do the math 177 instructional days x 6 hours/day = 1062 hours total Lunch = 115 hours Recess = 45 hours Transitions = 90 hours Assemblies/other activities = 20 hours Attendance = missed 10 days (60 hours) = approximately 762 hours of instruction per year
What do with this time???? 762 hours per year! ELA/Math instruction = hours 231 hours remaining –What if they are behind? Interventions –30 minutes per day (88 hours) 143 hours remaining About 45 minutes per day!!!!
Legal/ Contractual Requirements Division 22 Standards Contract BOLI guidelines Teacher/IA hours
What has to fit…… Nonnegotiable ELA Core – 120+ Minutes Math Core – 60 + Minutes Other Required curriculum Special Education Specials Interventions Flexible? Bus Schedules Itinerant Teacher Lunch Room Music/Band/Orchestra High School Sports Community Early Release
Priorities Elementary Schedule –Identify priorities – What is nonnegotiable? –Identify variables – What is flexible? Student Data –Where is your biggest need? Increase time? Staffing?
Other needs….. Interventions – flexibility Collaboration time for staff Regular Ed and SPED support
Oregon RTI Infrastructure Checklist How does this help support a master schedule? What questions does it help you address?
How do we fit it all in?
Benefits All students receive the same Teachers have protected time Interventions will occur Data used to make decisions/drive schedule Flexibility as needed for increased instruction Collaboration time built in
Calendar of Professional Learning and Teaming How does this relate to the master schedule?
Calendaring Time Professional Learning Calendar Team meeting calendar How do you plan for what your data tells you is important? Who leads? How often?
Calendaring Time Staff Meeting Professional Learning, Early Release Professional Learning Communities Benchmark Meetings Grade Level Team Meetings Group Intervention Planning Team Meetings Assessments – DIBELS, MAP, OAKS, Core
Calendaring Time Assessment –DIBELS – Benchmark, Progress monitoring – weekly, bi-monthly –MAPs – Fall and Spring, Some winter –CBAs – core assessments, Common Assessments - Writing Performance –Math Performance –Reading in Program, Benchmark –OAKS
Calendaring Time Group Intervention Planning Time/ 20% meeting –Focus on groups of students in interventions –Team – SPED, Learning Specialist, Child Development Specialist, School Psychologist, Principal, Teacher Point, ELL, Grade Level Teacher –Weekly – Scheduled
Calendaring Time Grade Level Team Meetings – Focus on Core –Meeting Weekly 15 – 45 Minutes –Focused Time – SPED, Attendance/Behavior, Math, Reading, Writing –Tight – Focused, Team, Logs copied and shared –Loose – Teacher Lead
Calendaring Time Staff Meetings are Professional Learning – planned weekly (depending on school need), Lead by Teacher Leaders PLCs – planned as grade levels (half day in-service time that is structured by the district Benchmark Meetings – Team review of school-wide data, focus on health of the core, 3 times a year
Who is the Leader? What is your role in these types of meetings? Do you attend, facilitate, participate in? How are decisions made if you are not there? How do these meetings connect to our mission and vision?
Questions? Ideas???