Setting Standards for G/T Student Performances Day Five GT 30 Hour Institute Original Presentation by: Janet Newton ECS Region XIII Revised and Presented by: D’Les Gonzales, M.Ed. Bastrop Independent School District Video: A Vision of K-12 Students Today Source:
Objectives Today you will… be introduced to teaching models and instructional strategies that promote cognitive and affective growth for gifted students gain knowledge about TEKS based Enrichment Learning assignments which focus on core content areas with interdisciplinary connections evaluate products created by gifted students learn about the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP)
Have you heard these questions before? “I’m done with my work and my project for the day. What can I do next?” “How are you using technology in your classroom?” “How are you differentiating in your classroom?”
How can teachers fill in the missing pieces for GT Students? Video: Motivation and Learning
Enrichment vs. Acceleration EnrichmentBothAcceleration involves breadth and/or depth--learning experiences that enable the student to probe more broadly or more intensively enable the individual to pursue differential experiences through a greater variety of opportunities and engagements enables the student to deal with more advanced concepts at higher cognitive levels, and this represents an enriching experience uses advanced resources aimed at enabling gifted individuals to attain higher levels of insight, understanding, performance, or product development have qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions provides opportunities for more advanced study in that area or for more experiences in another area or areas Source:
Enrichment Independent Study Learning or Interest Centers Field Trips Mentorships Summer and Weekend Programs Academic Competitions Video: Do You Teach or Do You Educate? Source: Provides students with experiences in regular classrooms that are additional or supplemental to the established curriculum. The enrichment experiences are planned with students’ particular needs and abilities in mind.
How have you used enrichment? Activity: Open up a word document or write on paper a free write for 2 min. on the above question. You may share if you wish. Today, when you see this symbol please answer the posted question.
Acceleration The process of allowing high-ability students to progress through school curriculum at a rate faster than the average. Advanced Placement (AP) Continuous Progress Curriculum (Flexible Pacing) Concurrent or Dual Enrollment Curriculum Compacting Early Entrance Grade Advancement or “Skipping” Subject Acceleration Source:
Teaching Models for Gifted Kids School Wide Enrichment Model Differentiation of Instructional Model Integrated Curriculum Model Autonomous Learner Model Independent Study Model Depth and Complexity Model Video: Inquiring Minds Want To Know Source:
Schoolwide Enrichment Model Video: South Grove Movie Source: (Joseph S. Renzulli and Sally M. Reis, 1977)
Differentiation of Instruction Model Carol Ann Tomlinson Source:
Integrated Curriculum Model Concept, Issues, Themes Advanced Content Process – Product ChangeIn –depthElements of Reasoning SystemsAdvanced Reading Research PatternsPrimary Sources Problem- based Learning Cause & Effect Advanced Skills Inquiry Skills Source:
Autonomous Learner Model George Betts, Ed. D. & Jolene Kercher, M.S., 1985 Source:
Independent Study Model Can be done at any grade level Source:
Depth and Complexity Model Sandra N. Kaplan, 1997 Source:h ttp://
Which model/s best represents your school or classroom and why? Activity: Free write for 2 min. on this question. You may share if you wish.
Great GT Instructional Strategies 1.Tiered Assignments 2.Learning Contracts 3.Curriculum Compacting 4.Flexible Pacing 5.Self-Directed Learning 6.Learning Centers 7.Problem-Based Learning 8.Seminars 9.Flexible Grouping 10.Student Experts 11.Production Crews 12.Applied Learning Sources: When instructional strategies are coupled with the needs and interests of students, learning is enhanced. Instructional strategies should be directly tied to the curriculum, desired student outcomes, and classroom assessments.
Researching Instructional Strategies Activity: 1.Pick a number from the cup and find your partner. 2.Refer back to the previous slide to match your research topic with the number you drew. 3.Determine what your audience needs to know about the topic. 4.Create guideline prior to working on the project of what is expected for your product. (Make a rubric, say all 4’s - to show quality work.) 5.Research and discuss your findings. 6.Develop a product about your topic. 7.Practice your presentation with your partner/s and be prepared to present a 1-2 minute presentation.
Examples of Gifted Student Work Video: A Product of Learning ditionary-learning-maine-video Video : Project Learning ect learning-overview-video Video: Stimulating Physics: Problem based learning ch?v=IHhWWhl1Zd8 ch?v=IHhWWhl1Zd8
Talk about a strategy that you think you will be able to implement in your classroom? Activity: Free write for 2 min. on this question. You may share if you wish.
Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) Source:
What is the TPSP? Statewide standards and assessment that is designed to address the Texas State Goal for the Education of Gifted Students. Provides an opportunity for GT students to produce quality work. TPSP offers appropriate rigor and relevance through instruction in research skills for elementary, middle and high school students. Successful students are visible in the community and project a positive image for the school. Source:
TPSP Provides Students with a wide variety of choices in their learning more flexibility the ability to take charge of their learning real-life research experiences a chance to develop a high-quality product and presentation the ability to research subjects that are interesting to them differentiated instruction that focuses on the individual student Source:
While Using TPSP Students develop confidence in their abilities to complete an independent research project use their own research to produce an innovative, discipline-based product are pushed to their limits and discover what they are capable of doing academically Learn to accept challenges in order to perform at a high academic and intellectual level explore an area of interest and passion perform research outside of the traditional curriculum improve communication and presentation skills Source:
Phase I - Learning Experiences is a suggested series of TEKS-based lessons and performances to be used in large groups, in small groups, and/or individually allows students to work with advanced content and processes through a discipline- based research model developmental and formative.
Defining a Project A project consists of the long-term development of a question or idea that is significant to professionals in student’s academic area of interest. Learners will use sophisticated research methods and technology appropriate to the field of study. Over the course of the project, they will engage in a research process similar to that of a professional who works in the field of study.
Choosing a Topic Scope
Phase II - Independent Research students utilize and extend their learning from Phase I to develop a product. the product provides students with opportunities to synthesize learning, apply knowledge to a novel situation, and provide an advanced, high-quality demonstration of the student's knowledge and skills.
Student Assessment Content Knowledge and Skills (CKS) Analysis and Synthesis (AS) Multiple Perspectives (MP) Research (R) Communication (C Presentation of Learning (PL) Both Teacher and Student Scored/Evaluated
How would you be able to incorporate TPSP in your classroom? Activity: Free write for 2 min. on this question. You may share if you wish.
What will you walk away with? Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Activity: In the diagram below write about the most important thing you will take with you from each day. Video: An Inspirational Teacher Quote Presentation Source: