Business Teachers’ Association 2 EVENT GOALS 1.Increase high school student participation in Business Education courses across the province. Student interest and engagement in business education can be enhanced through this exciting extra-curricular event. 2.Showcase elite student’s business knowledge in an advanced learning environment. The event will provide students the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other students and educators from across the province. 3. Increase teacher membership in the SBTA, specifically from municipalities other than Regina. Great opportunity to draw in participating business educators into the SBTA through the event.
3 PROPOSED EVENT SCHEDULE Two Day Event – Melfort, Saskatchewan Thursday, March 1 st 6:00 – 6:30Registration and Opening Ceremonies 6:30 – 7:30Dinner and Speaker 7:30 – 10:00Evening Event Friday, March 2 nd 8:30 – 9:45Entrepreneurship Presentation and Activity (led by local entrepreneur) 9:45 – 11:00“How To” Case Preparation and Presentation Skills (led by EBUS 300 Class) 11:00 – 11:45Lunch 11:45 – 2:45Official Team Case Prep 2:45 – 3:151 st Round Case Presentations (occur all at once) 3:15 – 4:00Finalist Presentations (in front of remainder of students, teachers and judges) 4:00 – 5:00Deliberation, Feedback, Awards and Wrap Up Workshop Case Competition
Case competitions challenge students to think critically and creatively about a real-life business case. Participating students will gain a level of confidence and professionalism that differs from any classroom assignment or activity. Students are put into teams of 3, hopefully with people they have worked with before (classmates) Ideally students have some case experience prior to attending the event. EBUS 300 could potentially put together a pre-event package for students and teachers to follow prior to attendance. Business Teachers’ Association 4 CASE COMPETITION
Business Teachers’ Association 5 CASE COMPETITION Resolution In a specified time period (3 hours), students are required to read a business case (approx. 10 pages), identify the main problem, propose and implement a solution, state why they chose that solution, identify the risks associated and prepare a presentation. Presentation After breaking down the case, students present their solution to a panel of 3-5 community business members and/or educators (top 3 teams selected to present a second time in the final) Case presentations are minutes in length. Q & A Following the presentation, judges are encouraged to ask 5 minutes of critical questions in context with the case. Judges are asked to treat this period as they would if they had just sat through a boardroom presentation. Feedback After the final round of presentations, judges and competitors meet, with judges providing feedback for all competitors.
Amazing experience, each year I returned motivated and inspired Both educational and social I think we can start a small version of this in the high school setting in Saskatchewan Business Teachers’ Association 6 MOTIVATION
Students may be lacking case break down skills and even some basic business management education. The Workshop is an excellent opportunity to use this event as a learning experience for students. Perhaps case judges could give a brief presentation to the students on a specific subject (whether it be entrepreneurship, accounting, personal finance, business management or other). Further, the pre-interns could use some of this time to teach basic case breakdown and/or presentation skills. Business Teachers’ Association 7 WORKSHOP
Business Teachers’ Association 8 BEST PRACTICE Richard Ivey School of Business has been running a similar event for high school students for the past 4-5 years Student organized and operated event Extremely successful, part of the school recruitment process Can leverage some of their experience and business cases for our event
SBTA Annual Conference March 2 nd & 3 rd We attend as part of our pre- internship High School Student Case Competition March 1 st & 2 nd We plan the event and report to SBTA leadership (and Cyril) Business Teachers’ Association 9 FIT WITH EBUS 300 Challenge – Most of our planning time for this event will occur in the winter semester. However, most of the necessary planning will need to happen before January.
Business Teachers’ Association 10 BUY IN The only way this will fly is if we all buy in and put in the necessary effort. We have a chance to make a difference by successfully organizing this event. Going to take some planning and effort to make this successful. What is in it for you? Grow the program, gain student interest, increase demand for these classes, which in turn will open up more jobs for Business Education teachers. Great resume builder.
Marketing and Promotion Austen, Ally and Kristine Develop and distribute marketing material for BEd teachers and students Find 10 student teams Manage registration information Curriculum and Logistics Kristen, Daniel and Joel Develop pre-event packages for teachers Determine potential curriculum tie-ins Logistic management Case selection Sponsorship and Judges Cara, Danielle, Riley and AJ Develop event budget and raise necessary funding from sponsors Selecting 3-5 judges (local business professionals, teachers and professors) Business Teachers’ Association 11 ROLES
Develop and distribute pre-event marketing material Why participate? As a teacher, what is my role? Targeted students for this event Contact high school BEd teachers and/or principles to gain support and attendance (10 schools, 3 students per school, 1 teacher) Develop and distribute registration forms (both student and teacher) Assemble the competition booklet (bios, schedule, sponsor advertisements, case analysis framework, etc.) Create signage and promotional material for students (t-shirts, awards, photography, etc.) Point of contact for participating schools Business Teachers’ Association 12 MARKETING AND PROMOTION
Finalize schedule Securing and organizing the location, rooms, transportation, meals, chaperoning, night event, opening and closing ceremonies, etc. Develop material for teachers to use to prep their students on case deconstruction (one or two lesson plans) Case selection (for event and pre-event) “How To” deconstruct cases presentation preparation Manage day-of activities and flow Business Teachers’ Association 13 CURRICULUM INCORPORATION AND LOGISTICS
Develop necessary budget for event Develop and distribute sponsorship package (why sponsor this event?) Locate sponsors by working with SBTA leadership, raise necessary funding Locate and select 3-5 case judges (preferably from sponsors, but may be supplemented with local business professionals, teachers or professors) Writing bios on judges Debrief judges on responsibilities Develop evaluation criteria for judges Point of contact for judges and sponsors Business Teachers’ Association 14 SPONSORSHIP AND JUDGES
Business Teachers’ Association 15 QUESTIONS & COMMENTS
Meet with your committee Identify committee “chair” Accountable for completing all necessary activities Communicate with other “chairs”, Joel and Cyril as necessary Develop activity list, timeline and identify who is accountable for each activity (see hand out) Business Teachers’ Association 16 NEXT STEPS