Intel Confidential — Do Not Forward Leaping the gap. Benefits and challenges of implementing inquiry based learning in Poland Agata Łuczyńska Program Director at Center for Citizenship Education May 12, 2014, Los Angeles
2 A SCHOOL WITH CLASS First large-scale Polish program for schools, run since Run in cooperation with the biggest Polish daily. Over schools, teachers and students. A new reality: new language to describe new methods. Small steps, going local. Introduce change into every particular school. All drawings by Jacek Gawłowski
3 MAIN CHALLENGES OF POLISH EDUCATION Focus on academic knowledge rather than on key XXI century skills. The new core curriculum (2008) defines content, not methods. Test and exams pressure. Schools are underequipped (very few have good science and computer labs).
4 TRAPS POLISH TEACHERS STILL FALL INTO… ICT becomes a goal, instead of a tool. Formal reports terror. No difference between content knowledge and developing skills. Telling = teaching! No time for students to make mistakes. Low English language skills, a huge psychological bareer. Finding valuable educational content in Polish is difficult.
5 A SCHOOL WITH CLASS TODAY Cooperation skills. Engaging students in the decision making process (democtatic debates on ICT use in schools). Creative thinking and problem solving. Presentation skills. Project and problem based learning. Leader’s professional training. Exchange of good practices. And still translating ideas and creating a new reality…
6 WHY DID WE LOCALIZE TWO INTEL COURSES? Transfer of good practices from more experienced practitioners. Language barieer. I’ve interrogated all the science teachers I know, and the conclusion is the teachers do not encourage students to make hypothesis. [Joanna Cwynar-Wojtonis, Chemistry Teacher] Both Intel trainings are a safe way for teachers to start: - online, open, self-evaluated course - three levels of engagement of the teacher and the student.
7 INQUIRY IN THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM INTEL FUTURE SCIENTISTS First attempt to localize both courses at once, a best way to do it! INQUIRY IN THE SCIENCE CLASSROOM Online course for begginers. Defines a new concepts and gives vocabulary. INTEL FUTURE SCIENTISTS Training for advanced teachers. Prepares to submit innovative and well researched science projects.
8 IT CAN BE DONE! Scientific approach: a habit of mind that can be develloped. A culture of science festivals connected with everyday school work (any student can be a future scientist!). On-going process of letting students take ownership of their own learning.
9 PROBLEMS TO TACKLE Double challenge at once: a new vocabulary and a new approach. I have no idea how to make Polish teachers believe that they can make it. Conducting experiments in a class of 30 students? Spending 5 hours on one experiment only? Making students plan an experiment at the age of 13? They will think we are crazy! But maybe these limits exist only in our minds? [Joanna Cwynar-Wojtonis, Chemistry Teacher] Lack of culture of science festivals. Sometimes I doubt whether we talk about experimenting during classes or we think about science approach focused on science festivals. It’s possible that it is prepared like this on purpose and we don’t have to separate it. [Joanna Cwynar-Wojtonis, Chemistry Teacher]; Lack of external support and resources. Parent’s engagement.
11 FUNDING 12 years of continuous presence in Polish schools. No governamental nor EU funding. Partnerships with organizations with whom we share a common vision. Organized by: Under the auspices of: Partners: Supported by:
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