ARGUING SOMEBODY´S CASE Arguing a point, giving alternative suggestions, agreeing, disagreeing. VY_32_INOVACE_13-05
A dialogue Sophie: So, it ´s getting dark and I´m starving. We need to eat something. Charlotte: I think we can find some fastfood, there should be one in the town. Sophie: I don´t think that´s a good idea. Charlotte: Why not? It´s quite cheap and quick, then we can find somewhere to sleep. Sophie: Yes, but I´d rather go to a restaurant. I haven´t eaten anything warm from the morning. Charlotte: That´s true, but I don´t know if there is any restaurant near here. I think we´d better go to the fast food. Sophie: I´m not convinced, there must be a restaurant near here, we can ask somebody to show us the way. Charlotte: Well, if you really want to go there, then OK. Sophie: Fine, let´s go.
A dialogue Sophie: So, it ´s getting dark and I´m starving. We need to eat something. Charlotte: I think we can find some fastfood, there should be one in the town. Sophie: I don´t think that´s a good idea. Charlotte: Why not? It´s quite cheap and quick, then we can find somewhere to sleep. Sophie: Yes, but I´d rather go to a restaurant. I haven´t eaten anything warm from the morning. Charlotte: That´s true, but I don´t know if there is any restaurant near here. I think we´d better go to the fast food. Sophie: I´m not convinced, there must be a restaurant near here, we can ask somebody to show us the way. Charlotte: Well, if you really want to go there, then OK. Sophie: Fine, let´s go.
Useful phrases Suggesting an alternative Would rather + inf. (without to) Would better + inf. (without to) In my opinion/ I think… Should + inf. (without to) Refusing to agree I don´t think so. I´m not convinced. I see what you mean, but… I don´t agree with you, because
Short forms In spoken English we use short forms of would rather and would better We´d rather call someone. I´d better go now.
Useful phrases I suppose (that)… I take your point, but… On the other hand… I see what you mean, but… I really don´t think so… I´m not really sure about it.
Practice Work in pairs. Prepare a similar dialogue to the sample one choosing one of the alternatives below. One of you should propose a plan, the other one shoul disagree and give alternative suggestion and include reasons why. Conclude the dialogue. Act out your dialogue to the class
Ideas Who to invite to yout birthday party What T- shirt to buy your friend for Christmass. Where to go for next holiday What to wear at the school ball What pizza to order for dinner What movie to watch this evening
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