1 Shaping a Beer Friendly EU Business Environment Pierre-Olivier Bergeron Secretary General, The Brewers of Europe Croatian Chamber of Economy – Enterprise Europe Network Croatia The Westin Zagreb 19 April, 2011
2 Outline A European Federation “Brussels” Beer!? Challenges Opportunities Governance Strategic Profile Regulators and Endorsers Case Study: Alcohol Policy (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
3 A European Federation Founded in 1958 27 National Associations EBC as technological arm Member of the C.I.A.A. (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
4 “Brussels”: a snapshot Institutional set up “at large” The triangle CoR, EESC! Pan-sectorial organisations e.g. CIAA Sister organisations CEEV, COPA-COGECA, CEPS-EFRD, AICV Value chain (value chain) Euromalt, HOTREC, Eurocommerce NGOs Friendly: e.g. ETSC Not-so-friendly: e.g. EUROCARE, EPHA “Village” MEDIA Think Tanks & other platforms (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
5 Beer!? A beverage with a vast history Water, cereals, hops, yeast Brewed everywhere across Europe 386 million hl production 30 to 160 l per capita consumption 4000 breweries 4 majors with EU HQ Myriads of SMEs 2.1 million indirect employment 25% world production 51 billion € taxes 0.43% EU GDP Touching upon regulatory issues incl.: food law, enterprise, agriculture, (public) health, consumers, transport, environment, trade, taxation, customs, information society, competition etc. (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
6 Challenges Regulatory EU law is prolix Impact on licence to brew Impact on licence to market beer Reputational Europe’s convivial drink versus: A risk product? (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
7 Opportunities Reputational Vicinity Lifestyle, diet Regulatory Maintain licence to brew Maintain licence to market (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
8 General Assembly Executive Committee President + 1 VP + 4 MB + 5 SG*** Secretaries General Committee EBC Executive Committee Issue Management Teams / Working Groups National Associations Brewing companies National Associations Board President + 4 MB *+ 4 NMB** Brewing companies National Associations * Major Brewers ** Non major Brewers *** Secretaries general Governance
9 (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011 Strategic Profile
10 (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011 Strategic Domains
11 (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011 Strategic Pillars
12 Regulators can be Endorsers (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011 Ms Marianne Thyssen MEP President of the European Parliament Beer Club 13 October 2009 “F ew of us realise the economic consequences of Europe’s brewing sector. The production and selling of beer secures millions of jobs, many sport events wouldn’t even be possible without the sponsoring of the beer sector, and the sector contributes billions annually in taxes to European governments.”
13 Regulators can be Endorsers (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011 Mr Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council 12 October 2010 “Beer and beer producers are important for Europe. They are cultural ambassadors for Europe, they deliver a major contribution to the economy. They strengthen social cohesion, in a responsible way. Europe fully recognizes these values. The EU wants to create the right climate to help you meet the challenges you face such as the effects of the economic downturn.”
14 EU “Alcohol Strategy” Process COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS calling for a Community strategy (2001 and 2004) DG SANCO INFORMAL DRAFT DISCUSSION PAPER on the EU Strategy on Alcohol (1 st version July 2004, second version March 2005) STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS Alcohol & Health Working Group, Stakeholders, EPC Roundtables, meetings re Anderson report (2004, 2005) INTERSERVICE CONSULTATION Jul-Aug Duration can vary: min 2 weeks) BACK TO DG SANCO REVISED DRAFT HEADS OF CABINET COLLEGE OF COMMISSIONERS (October 06) COMMUNICATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Committee of the Regions and Economic & Social Committee IMPACT ASSESSMENT First 3 Inter-DG Steering Group meetings IMPACT ASSESSMENTS (Steering Group meetings; Anderson Report; RAND Report) STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS (Alcohol & Health WG; Other stakeholders; Intra- SANCO) HEALTH COUNCIL June; MS Sharing of views
15 Outreach Tools (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011
16 National Associations ARE KEY!!! MEPs MPs National authorities EU legislation International organisations (e.g. WHO) The Brewers of Europe secretariat Direct Participation of national associations in meetings Indirect Information or participation where appropriate Direct Participation of The Brewers of Europe in meetings Indirect Tools and information to national associations EU Institutions National associations
17 An opportunity to sit at the table rather than be on the menu Good practice sharing Multistakeholder approach “Co-operative voluntarism” Follow-up
18 Committing to stepping up action EU level Self-regulation presently endorsed but we need to keep demonstrating effectiveness across the EU. Member States Self-regulation regularly challenged. Regulating is « easier ». Need to demonstrate effectiveness. 7 OS
19 Thank you (c) The Brewers of Europe 2011