LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President of the congress: Assoc.Prof. Milan Grundmann, M.D., Ph.D. Members at Large: Prof. Stefan Alusik, M. D., Ph.D. Assoc.Prof. Otto Mayer, M. D., Ph.D. Assoc.Prof. Jitka Patockova, M. D., Ph.D. Assoc.Prof. Petr Petr, M. D., Ph.D. Assoc.Prof.Karel Urbanek, M. D., Ph.D. Dr.Hana Brozmanova, Ph.D. Ivana Kacirova, M. D., Ph.D. David Suchy, M. D., Ph.D.
PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE CURRENT CONFERENCE STRUCTURE In order to reach higher participation of the physicians in clinical practice we propose: Close cooperation with societies of Internal medicine, Cardiology, Hypertension, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Neurology, Psychiatry, Nephrology, Gynecology etc. Every symposium and section will be introduced by the lecture concerning to pharmacotherapy, followed up TDM lectures (analytics, interpretation and clinical usefulness)
Can we do without drugs ? TDM in Drugs of Abuse (testing, monitoring, screening, random testing, reasonable suspicion testing, post accident testing, follow-up testing) with cooperation of police, prisoner duty The application of high resolution mass spectrometry to the screening of drugs and toxicants Is there a future for techniques not based on mass spectrometry for TDM and CT ? Analyses of toxicological events in different medical disciplines (cooperation's with clinicians, toxicologists, clinical pharmacologists and pharmacists) PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE CURRENT CONFERENCE STRUCTURE
PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE CURRENT REGISTRATION STRUCTURE To support the increase of the number of participants, we propose following changes in the registration structure : Implement „standalone“ workshops with interdisciplinary themes Selected lectures will be opened also for one-time registration to increase the number of participants from other medical societies Reduced registration fee for students for selected lectures.
CZECH SOCIETY OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Section of Clinical Pharmacology of CSECPT Czech Society of Clinical Pharmacology (60 members) 2 CPI (Ostrava), 1 CPD (Pilsen), 9 CPU (Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Ceske Budejovice, Hradec Kralove) Organizers of: 18 National Congresses of TDM 14 National Congresses of Clinical Pharmacology 5 Czech – Slovak Congresses of Clinical Pharmacology 4 Congresses of Czech Society of Hypertension 2 Satellite Symposiums of EACPT (2003, 2005)
CZECH-IN LTD. Founded:2002 Business Activity: Congress, Event and Association Management Annually organizes: 8 Congresses and 40 Conferences Nr. of delegates per year: more than Employees:28 full time staff, 15 freelance staff Based in:Prague Congress Centre (PCC) Member of:ICCA, MPI, PCB, ISO certified
LOCAL AUSPICES Prague Convention Bureau CzechTourism City of Prague Czech Airlines Prague Congress Centre
LOCAL AUSPICES Ministry of Health Czech Conference of Rectors Council of Higher Education Institutions
Prague Convention Bureau CzechTourism CZECH-IN, Professional Congress Organiser Prague Congress Centre LOCAL SUPPORT
LOCAL BUSINESS RocheWatersAgilent ChromsystemSiemensAbbott
PRAGUE CONGRESS CENTRE - ESSENTIALS Located within the City Centre Located on the Metro station Up to date AV and Technical Equipment In-house catering company to be known as the best in the Czech Republic Historically connected with such events like NATO Summit, EU Presidency Spacious foyers to hold large exhibitions, unique view on the Old Prague Seat of CZECH-IN
Prices are indicative only HOTELS CONNECTED WITH THE PCC HOLIDAY INNCORINTHIA 230 booked rooms500 booked rooms
FINANCIAL STRUCTURE Registration : ,33 EUR excl. VAT ( Early registration fee, 10% students, 550 pax) Sponsorship : ,01 EUR excl. VAT ( already in negotiation with potential sponsors ) Exhibition: ,01 EUR excl. VAT ( 25 stands ) Organisation costs: EUR excl. VAT ( 12,8% from the turnover) CONCLUSION The conference profit: EUR excl. VAT FINANCIALS
Registration fee: Member 350 EUR Non Member390 EUR Young scientific Member180 EUR Young scientific Non Member200 EUR REGISTRATION FEE
FINANCIALS BALANCE / 550 PAX IATDMCT 2015 Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic Rate CZK/Euro:24,50 BALANCE Total (CZK, excl VAT) Total (EUR, excl VAT) % on total (%, excl VAT) COSTS ,00 Kč ,61 € PRINTED MATERIALS (PROMOTION MATERIALS) ,00 Kč4 091,84 €1,48% GRAPHICS (GRAPHICS TEMPLATES, LOGO) ,00 Kč1 224,49 €0,44% SIGNPOSTING (NAVIGATION SYSTEM) ,00 Kč2 448,98 €0,88% DELEGATE'S SERVICES (REGISTRATION, ABSTRACTS ETC.) ,00 Kč15 346,94 €5,54% STAFF (HOSTESSES, HELPERS) ,00 Kč6 326,53 €2,28% CZECH-IN CONGRESS MANAGEMENT (PRODUCTION TEAM) ,00 Kč17 142,86 €6,19% AGENCY FEE ,00 Kč18 367,35 €6,63% RENTALS (MEETING ROOMS, HALLS AND FOYERS) ,00 Kč60 791,84 €21,95% AV AND TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ,00 Kč31 471,43 €11,36% CATERING (COFFEE BREAKS AND LUNCHES) ,00 Kč55 942,86 €20,20% SOCIAL PROGRAM (WELCOME RECEPTION) ,00 Kč10 836,73 €3,91% SPEAKERS AND GUESTS (TRAVEL COSTS, ACCOMMODATION) ,00 Kč12 142,86 €4,38% OTHER SERVICES (BANK COSTS, BAGS AND SUCH) ,00 Kč40 795,92 €14,73% INCOME ,67 Kč ,35 € REGISTRATION FEE (BASED ON THE EARLY FEE / 550 PAX) ,67 Kč ,33 €55,19% SPONSORS (ESTIMATE) ,67 Kč42 517,01 €14,94% EXHIBITION (25 STANDS) ,33 Kč85 034,01 €29,87% BALANCE ,67 Kč7 703,74 € CZECH-IN Professional Event ► Congress Organizer
FINANCIALS BALANCE / 750 PAX IATDMCT 2015 Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic Rate CZK/Euro:24,50 BALANCE Total (CZK, excl VAT) Total (EUR, excl VAT) % on total (%, excl VAT) COSTS ,00 Kč ,98 € PRINTED MATERIALS (PROMOTION MATERIALS) ,00 Kč5 451,02 €1,69% GRAPHICS (GRAPHICS TEMPLATES, LOGO) ,00 Kč1 224,49 €0,38% SIGNPOSTING (NAVIGATION SYSTEM) ,00 Kč2 448,98 €0,76% DELEGATE'S SERVICES (REGISTRATION, ABSTRACTS ETC.) ,00 Kč19 020,41 €5,91% STAFF (HOSTESSES, HELPERS) ,00 Kč6 326,53 €1,97% CZECH-IN CONGRESS MANAGEMENT (PRODUCTION TEAM) ,00 Kč17 142,86 €5,33% AGENCY FEE ,00 Kč18 367,35 €5,71% RENTALS (MEETING ROOMS, HALLS AND FOYERS) ,00 Kč68 421,22 €21,27% AV AND TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ,00 Kč37 089,80 €11,53% CATERING (COFFEE BREAKS AND LUNCHES) ,00 Kč75 848,98 €23,58% SOCIAL PROGRAM (WELCOME RECEPTION) ,00 Kč14 448,98 €4,49% SPEAKERS AND GUESTS (TRAVEL COSTS, ACCOMMODATION) ,00 Kč12 142,86 €3,77% OTHER SERVICES (BANK COSTS, BAGS AND SUCH) ,00 Kč43 775,51 €13,61% INCOME ,33 Kč ,69 € REGISTRATION FEE (BASED ON THE EARLY FEE / 750 PAX) ,33 Kč ,67 €62,26% SPONSORS (ESTIMATE) ,67 Kč42 517,01 €12,58% EXHIBITION (25 STANDS) ,33 Kč85 034,01 €25,16% BALANCE ,33 Kč16 258,71 € CZECH-IN Professional Event ► Congress Organizer
VENUES Municipal House Up to 1100 persons Žofín Palace Up to 700 persons O2 Arena Up to 2000 persons Industrial Palace Up to 1800 persons
TOURS Large variety of tours inside and outside of Prague Prague, Kutná Hora, Karlovy Vary, Český Krumlov, Karlstejn Castle and many others
TourPrice excl. VAT (Euro) Karlovy Vary89,- Cesky Krumlov 85,- Grand Tour of Prague 37,- Prague Jewish Quarter 38,- Hradcany and Prague Castle39,- Prague´s famous Characters34,- Prague Boat Trip on the Vltava river48,- Karlstejn Castle48,- Kutna Hora45,- VENUE Price excl. VAT, incl. services (Euro) Municipal House36000,- Zofin Palace Trade Fair Palace12000,- Zofin Palace20800,- Industrial Palace16400,- Barrandov Studiosfrom 24000,- O2 Arena38000,- SOCIAL PROGRAMME
The Czech Republic is a safe destination with politically and economically stable environment Rich Cultural and Historical Heritage, UNESCO listed Ideal location and easy access - Situated in the very centre of Europe Congresses in Prague usually have higher attendance of 10 – 15 % Extended network of public transportation High quality at competitive prices „Prague hospitality program“ offers public transportation passes for all delegates during congress duration free of charge WHY PRAGUE?
PRAGUE – FLIGHT CONNECTIONS Flights durations FROM / TO PRAGUE Amsterdam705 km1h25 Brussels714 km1h25 Copenhagen643 km1h20 Frankfurt537 km1h10 Helsinki1307 km2h25 Lisbon2241 km3h15 London1035 km2h10 Montreal6197 km8h25 New York6567 km9h10 Oslo1117 km2h00 Paris882 km1h45 Zurich636 km1h35
PRAGUE THE WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE Rabbi Judah Loew, The Maharal of Prague ( ) The Maharal was one of the most seminal thinkers in the post-medieval period. he developed an entirely new approach to the aggada of the Talmud. At one time it seemed that the Maharal was best known for a fictitious creation, that of a Golem. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) The famous opera Don Giovanni was premiered in October 1787 in Prague at The Estates Theatre
Christian Doppler ( ) The Doppler effect (or Doppler shift), named after Austrian physicist Christian Doppler who proposed it in 1842 in Prague, is the change in frequency of a wave for an observer moving relative to the source of the wave.This effect is used in medical ultrasonography and other fields. Franz Kafka (1883 – 1924) Was a culturally influential German-language novelist, known as one of the best writers of the 20th century. The term "Kafkaesque" has become part of the English language. PRAGUE THE WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE
The Czech Republic has a strong knowledge-based economy The committed Team is in place with identified responsibilities Our candidacy is supported by leading officials and stakeholders Dynamic practices will be applied to exceed the planned economic outcome Prague has a proven record of successfully organized large international events IATDMCT conference has never taken place in Prague Prague selection will further stimulate - Implementation of appropriate legislation - Positive public/institutional awareness - Participation from the Central & Eastern European Region CONCLUSION