DTCC PTA Program Jason A Dougherty PTA, BS ACCE
What is this power point? This module is an ongoing opportunity for clinical site development. The power point was originally compiled based on the 2009 CCCE and Clinical Site Self Assessment and tudent assessment of their clinical site. Each year, this presentation will be updated based on the results of that year’s survey results. Hopefully the ideas and suggestions provide for our respective programs’ growth. Thank you as always for your contribution to our students.
Clearly Defined Rolls American Physical Therapy Association CCCE Reference Manual Who are you? (CCCE, CI, Site Supervisor, PT, OT PTA) Students are likely nervous when entering the clinical site for the first time. An efficient orientation including introduction to staff with clearly defined roles, allows the student to build a resource for questions throughout their affiliation.
Affiliation Experience Design Who decides and designs the clinical experience? Clinical Affiliations should be designed as a collaborative effort. Students should enter each affiliation with an idea of what they would like to accomplish during that affiliation. The Clinical Instructor should work according to the outcomes of the syllabus and grading criteria, while considering what is available at their site and the students overall goals.
Professional Growth for Clinical Educators What are the benefits of serving as a CI? Clinical faculty should be willing participant sin clinical education. Whikls it may not be produictive to require all staff to serve as a CI, some institutions have implemented a career ladder or some type of special recognition, beyond the CEUs rewarded by the state. Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists Website
Staff Performance Appraisal Am I doing a good job? Students and employees need some type of feedback. They will be challenged to practice skills that need remediation while knowing not to repeat behaviors deemed inappropriate. Students and employees often fel compelled to maintain a higher level of performance if they know that level will be recognized or rewarded.
Local or National Participation Why should I in the local and meetings or conferences? DPTA/APTA CEUs Education Marketing/Networking APTA Learning Center Website
Space for Student Does the student have a place to write SOAP notes, review resources (texts, lectures), do research (in- service)? Students feel fully integrated in learning when they feel they belong to the physical space vs. playing the “visitor”. Students with disabilities may also require quiet accommodations for notes, reading, etc
Clinical Education Manual Consider the answer? “I don’t know” vs. “I am not sure, but I know where to find the answer” Students and employees are not expected to remember every clinic policy. Instead, a consistent resource for reference as needed is preferred (attire, hours, attendance policies, etc).
Communication with Other Professionals for Students What else can I do with the “advanced student”? Have you considered all disciplines of PT available for observation and participation within your facility Ortho Neuro Lymphedema Women's Health Pediatrics Outside of PT P and O Surgery Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Recreational Therapy Facility Marketing Community Outreach
APTA Resources Resources for Clinical EducatorsClinical Educators Principles of Clinical Education CCCE Reference Manual Guidelines and Self Assessments for Clinical Education Resources for PTA ProgramsPTA Programs Clinical Problem Solving CSIF Additional performance assessments