Modul ke: Fakultas Program Studi Speaking Subandi,S. Pd 13 Ekonomi & Bisnis Akuntansi The Academic students should be able to write and speak English well as their value added for knowledge after finishing their college
Speaking Situations - Low Beginning 1.Greetings 2.Introducing yourself 3.Introducing people 4.Identifying people, things 5.Classroom questions 6.Asking for information 7.Giving information 8.Simple sentences 9.Simple questions 10.Numbers and counting
Speaking Situations - High Beginning 1.Introducing others 2.Encouraging words 3.Buying and selling 4.American numbers and prices 5.Making suggestions 6.Making plans for the weekend 7.Asking for favors 8.Asking for repetition 9.Requesting 10.Inviting
Phrases for Conversation - Low Intermediate 1.Conversation starters 2.Rejoinders 3.Giving opinions 4.Agreeing/disagreeing 5.Asking for details 6.Asking permission 7.Asking for and Giving Advice 8.Sequencing 9.Speaking hypothetically 10.Discussing Sensitive Topics
Phrases for Conversation - High Intermediate 1.Supporting opinions 2.Exploring options 3.Contrasting 4.Classifying 5.Discussion techniques 6.Elaborating 7.Clarifying 8.Interrupting 9.Giving instructions 10.Simple presentations
Terima Kasih Subandi