Andy Shean’s
Do you have blind faith? Can you imagine your life without colours?
Imagine that all the lights go out… The Real Life Project is a special, interactive journey to an invisible world, where you can find your way only by using your other senses, following sounds and enhancing your sensation. Give us your blind trust! If you join us, you will experience what life could be without one of the essential senses by giving you an insight into the life of blind people. A unique opportunity to feel compassion and understand the real world in a different way. At this exhibition blind people will be your guides leading you through a journey that is going to change your life.
We use our sight to receive information about the real world. What do we lose if we have to rely on other senses? What do we gain?
We find helping blind and partially blind people an essentially important issue. As it is rather compelling for blind people to live their everyday life without difficulties, to walk the streets, use public transportation, even to get a job to make a living for themselves and their families. In our everyday world, we have no time to slow down and try to look at the world with different eyes, pay attention to details, enjoy the sensations received through multiple channels and to be fully aware in the present moment. Let us show you how your world can turn upside down and your senses broaden, how to look at the world by not looking at it – your life and view is about to change for ever.
Using shipping containers to build up the venue in a modular design with eight sections Section 1 Section 2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 3 Section 8
What we offer: Learn to use the Braille writing system Use everyday objects blindfolded Pay with money Eat and drink (including a blind supper and tea tasting) Play a musical instrument Use a computer and special software Play games (like a special Rubik’s cube)
During recent years, blind children are getting more and more accepted in public education together with the seeing kids, providing an excellent opportunity for them. Unfortunately, they often remain outsiders, since students and teachers alike are not prepared to handle them appropriately and politely. They might even experience using phrases like ‘I see’ or ‘view’ in front of them. Are they really offended by these utterances? Here, at the Real Life Project, we would like to show to children of various age groups that their blind mates and those blind people they ever meet are ordinary people just like them, by offering a chance to speak with blind people, teaching them how to communicate with them and giving an insight into their world.
The Real Life Project is offering team building tours for companies. Thanks to its adventurous atmosphere and special activities, this project can be a great experience for everyone willing to participate and cooperate. The visible and invisible parts, relax rooms, activities and educational content provide an excellent place to get to know and accept each other deeply. Our primary goal includes helping the members of a group get rid of their old work habits and behavioral patterns by experiencing a brand new point of view. After losing the most important sense, the participants experience situations directly they have never faced before – without their eyesight, though together with fellow colleagues. Being in pitch dark can relieve the stress of performance anxiety and eventually contribute to a healthier working atmosphere.