Doctrine and Covenants
John Murdock investigated many churches and concluded that all religions had lost their way. However, in late 1830, he read the Book of Mormon and felt the Holy Ghost bear witness of its truth. He was baptized on November 5, Shortly thereafter, he served a mission, baptizing about 70 people in four months in Ohio. On April 30, 1831, shortly after Brother Murdock returned from his mission, his wife, Julia, died after giving birth to twins. In June 1831, the Lord called him to go to Missouri and preach the gospel along the way. Before he could go, he needed to make sure his five children, all under the age of seven, were provided for. He arranged for several individuals to care for his older children, and Joseph and Emma Smith adopted the infant twins. When he returned home, he began suffering from the effects of a long illness and he learned that one of his twins had been sick and had died because of exposure to the cold during an attack on Joseph Smith. Background
List 10 legitimate concerns that missionaries might have before or during their mission.
“Occasionally, inviting students to respond to a thought-provoking question in writing helps deepen and clarify their thinking. Inviting students to respond to a question in writing before sharing their thoughts with the class gives them time to formulate their ideas and receive impressions from the Holy Ghost. Students may be more inclined to share their thoughts when they have written them first, and what they share will often be more meaningful.” (Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook for CES Teachers and Leaders).
Social Media Create a tweet that summarizes a principle based on the passage You will study one chapter today; identify three power phrases from your section that could help a missionary. After, choose to a Hashtag, Status Update, and Tweet to summarize each truth. Doctrine and Covenants 99 What would a Facebook status update sound like if a person were to post about a truth found in this passage What hashtag would summarize this passage? Doctrine and Covenants 100
(Elder Bednar Become a Misionary) What is the most effective thing I can do to prepare to serve as a full time missionary?
“Some of the most important service you can give will be within your own home. You can also serve in your Church assignments, school, and community. You can serve by doing temple and family history work. You can serve by sharing the gospel with others now and as a full-time missionary in the future. Often the most meaningful service is expressed through simple, everyday acts of kindness. Seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost each day to know whom to serve and how to help meet their needs. Follow the example of the Savior as you serve others” (For the Strength of Youth [booklet, 2011], 32).
Doctrine and Covenants