Ch. 12 – States of Matter I. Intermolecular Forces
A. Definition of IMF Attractive forces between molecules. Much weaker than chemical bonds within molecules. a.k.a. van der Waals forces
C. Johannesson B. Types of IMF
London Dispersion Forces View animation online.animation
B. Types of IMF Dipole-Dipole Forces + + - - View animation online.animation
B. Types of IMF Hydrogen Bonding
C. Determining IMF NCl 3 polar = dispersion, dipole-dipole CH 4 nonpolar = dispersion HF H-F bond = dispersion, dipole- dipole, hydrogen bonding
II. Physical Properties Ch Liquids & Solids
A. Liquids vs. Solids LIQUIDS Stronger than in gases Y high N slower than in gases SOLIDS Very strong N high N extremely slow IMF Strength Fluid Density Compressible Diffusion
B. Liquid Properties Surface Tension attractive force between particles in a liquid that minimizes surface area
B. Liquid Properties Capillary Action attractive force between the surface of a liquid and the surface of a solid
B. Liquid Properties Viscosity Measure of the resistance of a liquid to flow
B. Liquid Properties Cohesion Force of attraction between identical molecules Adhesion Force of attraction between different molecules watermercury
C. Types of Solids Crystalline - repeating geometric pattern covalent network metallic ionic covalent molecular Amorphous - no geometric pattern decreasing m.p.
C. Types of Solids Ionic (NaCl) Metallic
C. Types of Solids Covalent Molecular (H 2 O) Covalent Network (SiO 2 - quartz) Amorphous (SiO 2 - glass)
C. Types of Solids Allotrope In a covalent network, different forms in the same state Carbon allotropes watermercury
C. Types of Solids Amorphous Solid No geometric pattern watermercury
Ch Liquids & Solids III. Changes of State
A. Phase Changes
Evaporation molecules at the surface gain enough energy to overcome IMF Volatility measure of evaporation rate depends on temp & IMF
A. Phase Changes Kinetic Energy # of Particles Boltzmann Distribution tempvolatilityIMFvolatility
A. Phase Changes Equilibrium trapped molecules reach a balance between evaporation & condensation
A. Phase Changes Vapor Pressure pressure of vapor above a liquid at equilibrium IMFv.p.tempv.p. depends on temp & IMF directly related to volatility temp v.p.
A. Phase Changes Boiling Point temp at which v.p. of liquid equals external pressure IMFb.p.P atm b.p. depends on P atm & IMF Normal B.P. - b.p. at 1 atm
Which has a higher m.p.? polar or nonpolar? covalent or ionic? A. Phase Changes Melting Point equal to freezing point polar ionic IMFm.p.
A. Phase Changes Sublimation solid gas v.p. of solid equals external pressure EX: dry ice, mothballs, solid air fresheners
B. Heating Curves Melting - PE Solid - KE Liquid - KE Boiling - PE Gas - KE
B. Heating Curves Temperature Change change in KE (molecular motion) depends on heat capacity Heat Capacity energy required to raise the temp of 1 gram of a substance by 1°C
B. Heating Curves Phase Change change in PE (molecular arrangement) temp remains constant Heat of Fusion ( H fus ) energy required to melt 1 gram of a substance at its m.p.
B. Heating Curves Heat of Vaporization ( H vap ) energy required to boil 1 gram of a substance at its b.p. EX: sweating, steam burns, the drinking bird
C. Phase Diagrams Show the phases of a substance at different temps and pressures.
The following slides… same information, different explanation and examples
Phase Changes
Why do liquids and solids form at all? KMT postulates – A gas is a collection of small particles traveling in straight-line motion and obeying Newton's Laws. – The molecules in a gas occupy no volume. – Collisions between molecules are perfectly elastic no energy is gained or lost during the collision – There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the molecules. – Kinetic energy is proportional to temperature X
What is a phase? Region of matter that is: – chemically uniform – physically distinct – mechanically separable. Often synonymous with (same meaning as) “state of matter”
Changing phases Distinguish liquid vs. solid?
Properties of … Gas phase – Like/unlike soccer players on field Liquid phase – Like/unlike crowd at a rally – Like/unlike gases Solid phase – Like/unlike movie theatre Compare intermolecular interactions – gases vs. liquids vs. solids
Phases of matter Add more energy
Phase change vocabulary A - melting B - freezing C – boiling/ evap D - condensation E - sublimation F - solidification
Phase changes and IMF’s As InterMolecular Forces increase, melting and boiling temperatures _________? (increase or decrease)? Metallic bonding Network covalent bonding Larger sphere, higher melting point
Strength of interactions Which simulation has stronger intermolecular interactions? A or B – How do you know? AB Same temperature
Ranking of intermolecular interactions Water Wood Iron Air Gold Mercury Carbon dioxide Oxygen Gasoline Lead vs. Why?
Why is water special? Periodic trends – Boiling and melting points of hydrides
KMT, energy and phase changes
Total energy
Water phases present?
Heating curves Why are b and d flat?
Boiling vs. melting Which takes more energy? (same mass)
Consider liquid gas Evaporation removes energy
Evaporative Cooling
Evaporation and volatility Evaporation – molecules at the surface gain enough energy to overcome attractive intermolecular forces (IMF) Volatility – measure of evaporation rate – depends on temperature and IMF
Volatility Kinetic Energy # of Particles Boltzmann Distribution tempvolatilityIMFvolatility
Boiling – Fixed temperature
Why do liquids boil? Boiling Point – T at which liquid vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure depends on P atm & IMF – Normal boiling point - b.p. at 1 atm IMFb.p.P atm b.p.
Temperature/pressure phase diagram for water
Transition to Supercritical CO 2
Interpret phase diagram for water
Draw a phase diagram for NH 3 (used as a refrigerant in RV’s and solar cooling systems)
Ammonia phase diagram
Phase Changes Need to know… Know why liquids and solids exist at all – Failure of KMT postulate Know phase names and changes – molecular views of phases and changes – distinguish S vs. L on molecular level Explain heating curve origins and parts – Why no change in T during phase change? Explain differences and similarities between evaporation, volatility and boiling Explain evaporative cooling on a molecular level Interpret temperature-pressure phase diagrams