Ross Brennan On the Introduction of Reconfigurable Hardware into Computer Architecture Education Ross Brennan
Introduction We will talk about the current microprocessor design project, which has been undertaken by students at Trinity College for the past 20 years Discuss the motivation behind creating an updated version of this design project Discuss the prototyped microprocessor project board Finally, we will discuss future work leading on from the development of this prototype
Background and Related Work Using custom hardware and reconfigurable logic devices to aid in the teaching of computer architecture is not a new concept Previous efforts have concentrated on: Designing and implementing custom hardware and simulation tools Designing and implementing custom HDL processor models for teaching purposes Developing project boards based around dedicated soft-CPU architectures Without major updates to the processor models, these implementations cannot grow in complexity
The Current Design Project Designed around the Motorolla MC68008 CISC microprocessor 8 MHz system clock 8-bit data bus Uses GALs to implement “glue-logic” Two serial ports implemented using ACIAs and MAX232s Connections are wire-wrapped together by students Monitor program implemented in assembler by students
Teaching Objectives To adopt a “hands-on” approach towards teaching computer architecture concepts to students To show students the differences between various processor architectures (RISC vs CISC, etc) To allow students to design and implement Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs) To enable students to observe real time behaviour of systems using logic state analysers
Prototyping the New Design [1] Requirements: Backwardly compatible with the current design project Highly reconfigurable Students to implement required system “glue-logic” Students should be able to develop a basic operating system A standardized bus interface was developed based around the MC68008 protocol Can use multiple synthesisable HDL processor models for use as long as they implement the standardized bus interface One such model already available is the LEON P-1754 processor
Prototyping the New Design [2] Diagram of the layout for a single PROM system Control logic is implemented in a CPLD or FPGA using a HDL Connections are made by wire-wrapping components together
About LEON P-1754 Initially developed by the ESA Aimed for use in satellite control systems Synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor Highly configurable Can remove unwanted internal peripherals Released open source under the GNU LGPL Now maintained by Jiri Gaisler
Main Processor Features RISC architecture SPARC V8 compliant integer unit 5-stage instruction pipeline On-chip AMBA AHB/APB 32-bit, 33 MHz Master/Target PCI Interface Parallel I/O Port 2 Internal UARTs Internal Debug Support Unit Diagram of the LEON core from Gaisler Research
LEON [1] Reduce complexity where possible Use 8-bit data bus option (for wire-wrapping) Ability to disable non-essential components using a graphical configuration tool Removable PCI interface Removable FPU Removable SDRAM controller Software tools available from Gaisler Research LECCS compiler (free for student use) TSIM processor simulator (free for student use)
LEON [2] Reduced clock speed Removable internal caches Operates at 6.25 MHz Advantageous for wire-wrapping Removable internal caches Simplifies processor operation Only method of observation via the bus Modified bus transaction protocol Similar to MC68008 bus transaction protocol Students required to add external bus signaling Removable internal memory map Students are required to implement external logic instead
The Final Prototype Picture of the final prototyped design on the VirtexII prototyping board.
Future Work Finalize the prototyped design Design and build a prototype board capable of supporting multiple user configuration PROMs Take advantage of the different LEON processor configuration options for tailoring the complexity of the system Design and build a daughter board for use with the main project board (PCI/FPU/Ethernet/32-bit bus/etc) Evaluate different HDL processor models for use with the project board
Conclusions The prototyped design successfully proved that the LEON model was suitable for use in place of the MC68008 The groundwork for designing a fully operational hardware system was put in place Reconfigurable underlying hardware Scope for further development