James K. Polk and American Expansion


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Presentation transcript:

James K. Polk and American Expansion Manifest Destiny James K. Polk and American Expansion

Dark Horse- James Polk Election of 1844 Key Issues: Whig-Henry Clay Democrat- James K Polk Key Issues: Should the United States add Texas? This would upset the balance of slave/free states Polk says yes Clay says no Further Expansion (Manifest Destiny) Polk wants to continue expanded aggressively Clay believes in a more cautious approach

Oregon Country Mexican Cession Texas Annexation Gadsden Purchase

Texas Annexation

Texas Annexation Annexation of Texas occurred on February 28, 1845. Annex means “add on.” Approve the annexation of Texas (took 10 years) Reason 1- Mexican dictator Antonio López de Santa Anna warned that annexation would be "equivalent to a declaration of war.” 2- Northerners opposed annexation over the slavery issue Results Mexican War

Mexican War

Mexican War Mexican War Timeline January 1846 - Zachary Taylor crosses the Nueces River into the disputed border between Mexico/United States. April 1846 – Mexican troops cross the Rio Grande into the disputed border with Mexico/United States. April 1846 – Mexican and United States troops skirmish with losses on both sides April 1846 – U.S. declares war on Mexico

Taylor’s Forces Bang Nueces River Mexican Forces Rio Grande River

Mexican Cession Mexican War Continued… May 1846 – January 1848 - Fighting on many fronts January 1848 – Mexico City is captured Results: Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ends the Mexican War Mexico Cedes all of California and New Mexico to the United States. Cede means “gives” Created the New Mexico Territory and California Do the winners of war pay the losers money for the land they gained? What does this tell you about the war

Oregon Country

Oregon Country Oregon Country originally shared by four powers 1. United States 2. Great Britain 3. Spain 4. Russia

Oregon Country Oregon Treaty of 1846 Divided Oregon at latitude 49 degrees North. Great Britain got the land north of the line United States got the land south of the line The states of Oregon (1859), Washington (1889), and Idaho (1890) came out of our portion

Gadsden Purchase

Gadsden Purchase In 1853, the United States paid Mexico $10 million dollars for a strip of land in Arizona and New Mexico Purchased this land to complete the building of a railroad.

Native Americans

Native Americans Three ways the U.S. dealt with the Native American “Problem” 1. War/Force 2. Assimilation 3. Segregation/Reservations

Segregation/Reservations Explanation: Designate areas for the Native Americans to live Example: The Reservation System Reason: Native Americans needed to be moved off land wanted by the United States Positives: Control Native Americans Don’t have to fight them again and again Negatives: Resources needed to provide for the Native Americans

War/Force Explanation: Fight the Native Americans for their land Example: Battle of Wounded Knee Reason: Native Americans wouldn’t move Positives: Don’t have to pay the Native Americans Negatives: U.S. soldiers killed Native Americans killed (is this a disadvantage) Native Americans may retreat and fight again

Assimilation Explanation: Bring the Native Americans into “American” society and culture Example: Carlisle Indian School Reason: “Civilizing” the natives Positives: Native Americans could help the country No loss of life for U.S. soldiers Negatives: Many Native Americans refused to give up their culture Only a small portion of the Native American population was able to have schooling