Why does acetone dissolve Styrofoam? 1/ both are nonpolar: “Like (nonpolar) dissolves like (nonpolar)”. 2/ Styrofoam is mostly air. acetone
E. Adding solute to a solution: 1/ lowers its freezing (or melting) point 2/ raises its boiling point boiling pt = C new boil pt. new freez. pt therm. liquid normal: freezing pt = 0 0 C with solute:
Ex. Salts are spread on roads to lower the freezing point of water. more difficult to freeze
Ex. A mixture of ethylene glycol, C 2 H 6 O 2, is used as both an antifreeze and a coolant.
Note: a/ more solute more raising and lowering b/ ionic solids do more than molecules Ex. Salt NaCl vs. sugar C 6 H 12 O 6 Na + Cl - 2x as many particles 2 ions 1 molecule
3/ Osmotic pressure is caused by unequal concentrations of solutes in your cells
Sports drinks are designed to: 1. make money; and 2. replenish solutes (electrolytes) to prevent cell damage due to osmotic pressure caused by drinking large amts of water.
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