The Age of Jackson ( )
I. The Corrupt Bargain of John Q. Adams 2.Henry Clay 3.William Crawford 4.Andrew Jackson 5.Jackson won the most votes but not the majority 6.Adams becomes pres. 7.“Corrupt Bargain”—Pres. Adams appointed Clay as Sec. of State
II Presidential Election 1.Jackson’s supporters claimed Adams stole the 1824 election 2.Jackson won the election 3.Democratic party became the 1 st real political party 4. Dem. supported Jackson
III. Jackson as President —planter & slaveholder 2.1 st president from the west 3.Achieved fame from fighting the Indians 4.Congressman/Senator from TN 5.Territorial Gov. of FL 6.Common People-personally popular
Jackson as President (cont’d) 7.Spoils System—appoint campaign supporters with gov. positions 1. "to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy." 8.“Kitchen Cabinet”—Friends of AJ; unofficial cabinet 9.Rotated officials—discourage complacency & get fresh opinions
IV. Death of the Bank of the United States 1.Gov. needs to stay out of economic affairs! 2.BUS set to expire Clay favored the BUS Congress passes a rechartering bill 4.Jackson vetoes.
Death of the Bank of the United States (cont’d) 5.Federal funds put in state banks 6.Pet Banks 7.National Rep.(“Whigs” in 1836) supported Clay 8.Founded to oppose Andrew Jackson 9.Second Party System reborn
Death of the Bank of the United States (cont’d) 10. Specie Circular—federal payments coin (specie) gold/silver 11. Panic of 1837
V. Jackson Exercises Veto Power 1.Champion of states’ rights; as long as the union not in danger 2.Vetoes more bills than anybody before 3.Maysville Road Bill 4.Vetoed by AJ 5.No fed. funds for infrastructure improvements in one state 6.AJ. increase the power of the presidency
VI. South’s Anger over Tariffs 1.Tariff on protect N.E. from foreign competitors 2.“The Southern Carolina Exposition”— John C. Calhoun 3.“Tariff of Abominations” 4.Southern states declare the tariff null & void if the fed. gov. refused to lower the duty requirement
South’s Anger over Tariffs (cont’d) 5.Nullification!! 6.Robert Y. Hayne (SC) proposed nullification 7.Daniel Webster(NE) anti-nullification 8.Tariff of Lower tariff 45% to 35% 9.SC nullified the tariff
South’s Anger over Tariffs (cont’d) 10. Force Bill—Gave pres. power to use military force to collect tariffs 11. Tariff of 1833—lowered tariffs even more 12. Crisis averted
VII. Manifest Destiny God’s Will!! The U.S. expand from sea to shining sea (and everywhere in between) 3.Market revolution 4.Advancements in trans. 5.Nationalism
Manifest Destiny (cont’d) —1,000s move into TX 7.Oregon Trail 8.Up to 6 months 9.Women’s roles change
VIII. Trouble With Territories 1.Era of Expansion Pres. Martin Van Buren Pres. William Henry Harrison MVBWHH
Trouble With Territories (cont’d) Van Buren (D) up for re-election vs. 5.William Henry Harrison (W) 6.“Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too” 7.WHH easily wins dies 4 weeks into his term John Tyler becomes pres.
IX. Boundary Issues 1.ME, OR, TX Aroostook River Valley 3.War again? 4.Webster-Ashburton Treaty Divide the contested Territory; settle the northern boundary of MN
Boundary Issues (cont’d)
6.Britain had a fur trading business 7.U.S. said 1st there to settle 8.Some want the border at 54°40´ parallel
Boundary Issues (cont’d) James K. Polk (D) 10.“Fifty-Four forty or fight!” 11. Negotiations: 1.Boundary at 49 th parallel 2.Britain gets Vancouver Island 3.Britain gets rights to the Columbia River
Sam Houston vs. Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana
X. Texas Joins the Union TX region of independent Mex s-whites & slaves outnumber Mexicans. 3.Mex. Bans slavery; residents must be Catholic Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana 5.Sam Houston—Leads the TX in a revolt; says TX independent republic of Mex.
Texas Joins the Union (cont’d) 6.Santa Anna attacks the Alamo; kills the Americans 7.Houston retaliates defeats Mex. Santa Anna gives TX independence 8.Lone Star Republic 9.Houston asks to become a state 10.Jackson & Van Buren say no 11.Polk says yes; TX admitted 1845