AT94 Training 2001Slide 1 Configurable SRAM 8 Bit RISC MCU AT40K FPGA Monolithic SRAM Based FPSLIC 20 MIPS* - 8bit RISC MCU Up to 36K bytes of SRAM From 5K Up to 40K gates FPGA *30 MIPS version available Q4 2001
AT94 Training 2001Slide 2 Configurable SRAM SRAM interface AVR/AT40K interface FPSLIC Embedded Blocks Software configurable interface between blocks already implemented Pre-implemented Interface blocks save FPGA gates AT40K FPGA 8 Bit RISC MCU
AT94 Training 2001Slide 3 Designer Defined Program and Data SRAM Allocation 10K * Words Instruction (x 16) PROG. SRAM Fixed 4K Byte for Data Memory partition is user defined during development Easy to trade-off Program and data SRAM * 2K Words (x16) for FPSLIC (AT94K05) 2K x 8 Designer Allocated Memory
AT94 Training 2001Slide 4 8 Bit RISC MCU I/O select[15:0] R/W Data[7:0] Int[15:0] AT40K FPGA 02 Data[7:0] W Internal I/O space and Interrupts I/Oselect[0] Write: ldi r16,0x00 ldi r17,0x02 out FISCR,r16 ; I/O select 0 out FISUA,r17 ; r17 data on the bus
AT94 Training 2001Slide 5 Data SRAM (DPRAM) 4K byte up to 16Kbyte AVR-Add[15:0] Avr-Data[7:0] AVR-R/W AVR-Clk 8 Bit RISC MCU FPGA-Add[15:0] FPGA-R/W FPGA-Clk FPGA-Data[7:0] AT40K FPGA Internal Data SRAM Access True Dual Port Access AVR can disable writing from FPGA
AT94 Training 2001Slide 6 AT40K FPGA 8 Bit RISC MCU GCLK5(internal) AVR System Clk GCLK 1,2,3,4,7,8 (External) FPSLIC Clocking AVR System Clk High Frequency AVR System Clk 32 KHz Osc AVR System Clk Timer Clk WD Clk GCLK6 (internal)
AT94 Training 2001Slide 7 FPGA Internal Clocking Scheme Individual Clock per sector column Clock and Clock BAR at sector boundary Column Clock can be any one of 8 Global clocks Clock from Column Clock or Express Bus 4 Fast Clocks (2 per side for PCI spec) Low power tie-off (lower power!) Clock skew <1ns guaranteed >> Can reduce power by >50% !
AT94 Training 2001Slide 8 FPSLIC Reducing Power consumption MCUMEM ASIC/ FPGA Most of power used in I/O pads Discrete Solution Monolithic Solution MEM MCUFPGA Power is reduced by more than 50% Standby <100uA Active 2-3mA/MHz Power is Reduced by 50%+
AT94 Training 2001Slide 9 Configurable SRAM 8 Bit RISC MCU AT40K FPGA FPSLIC Resets (Internal) Watchdog reset AVR only FPSLIC Software reset with SFTCR bit FPSLIC Reset Pin (External) AVR Reset Pin software defined (External) FPGA Logic Reset (any I/O) (External)
AT94 Training 2001Slide 10 RSA 3 DES Software Application Data/Keys 8 Bit RISC MCU X[7:0] Y[7:0] Z[7:0] D[7:0] write 32 bits X Y Z RSA 3 DES FPSLIC - Partial Reconfiguration using AVR CacheLogic TM Hardware implemented for the AVR to control partial reconfiguration Enable Hardware context switching
AT94 Training 2001Slide 11 SRAM 8 Bit RISC MCU Configurator 2 Wire Protocol SRAM 2 Wire FPSLIC- CONFIGURATION ( Mode 0) Automatic download after power up --> FPGA bitstream/AVR code and data/System register EEPROM configuration memory can be updated by FPSLIC itself Extra system parameters can be stored in remaining EEPROM AT40K FPGA Configuration Reprogrammed SRAM CONFIGURED AT40K FPGA CONFIGURED
AT94 Training 2001Slide 12 Initial AVR-FPSLIC Family 5K, 10K and 40K gate AT40K FPGA options High performance AVR microcontroller 2 UARTs, watch-dog timer, programmable timer, interrupt Configuration, 2-wire interface, glue logic
AT94 Training 2001Slide 13 FPSLIC Applications Wireless and Portable systems Low power. Stand-by Idd < 100uA. Active <100mA. Space saving BGA packaging technology Reconfigurability (on the fly, remote) Secure FPSLIC for sensitive applications PDAs and PCMCIA (PCCARD) Cell phone accessories Digital cameras Portable audio Smartcard readers Wireless security/access systems Portable instrumentation Medical instrumentation Toll Tags Irrigation systems/remote monitoring Features :
AT94 Training 2001Slide 14 FPSLIC Applications Wireline and fixed systems High performance 20 25MHz Remote updates (reconfigurability) Very flexible architecture - platform product Space saving BGA packages Low power. Stand-by Idd < 100uA. Active <100mA Secure FPSLIC for sensitive applications Home networking / Internet appliance Base stations for Wireless systems Networking and Telecom line-cards Test equipment Point of Sale terminals Wired security/access systems Industrial control and fixed instrumentation Image processing systems Features :
AT94 Training 2001Slide 15 AT40KxxAL Low $ Avail: Now AT40KxxAL Low $ Avail: Now Features AT40KxxAV Low $ AT40KxxAV Low $ 3.3V 0.35u ASIC FPSLIC TM /Embeddable FPGA core ASCPs Available now ASIC FPSLIC TM /Embeddable FPGA core ASCPs Available now AT40K with RISC uC AVR TM FPSLIC TM AT40K with RISC uC AVR TM FPSLIC TM AT40KxxAX Low $ AT40KxxAX Low $ 1.8V 0.12u AT40K with ARM ARM FPSLIC TM AT40K with ARM ARM FPSLIC TM Atmel Programmable SLi Roadmap 1.8V 0.18u
AT94 Training 2001Slide 16 FPSLIC ™ System Designer ™ Software Tools
AT94 Training 2001Slide 17 FPSLIC ™ Design Tools Complete IDS7 FPGA Software Place & route, floorplanning, timing analysis, etc. Leonardo Spectrum Synthesis Compiler VHDL & Verilog entry (FPSLIC version) ModelSim hardware simulator (FPSLIC version) AVR Studio Design & debugging Instruction set simulator Assembler FPGA Co-Verification AVR Co-verification PC-based: Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000 Powered by Mentor Graphics (FPSLIC version)
AT94 Training 2001Slide 18 Modelsim for Simulation $10K value Exemplar’s Leonardo for Synthesis $10K value Co-verification powered by Mentor $50K value AVR Studio for Debug FPGA IDS for Layout FPSLIC ™ Software System Designer
AT94 Training 2001Slide 19 System Designer Features: Design Manager Environment management Part Selection Manager Co-Verification launcher Launch FPGA/uC tools Device Dependent Methodology Manager Controls System Flow Bitstream Utilities Download Utilities Extensive interactive help Intuitive and easy to learn
AT94 Training 2001Slide 20 Release to Manufacturing System design without Co-verification Iteration Loop 1 to 3 Months Hardware Development Software Development System Integration Physical Implementation
AT94 Training 2001Slide 21 Physical Implementation System design with co-verification Hardware Development Software Development Release to Manufacturing System Integration System Designer Iteration Loop 1 to 3 Hours Co-Verification
AT94 Training 2001Slide 22 Co-Verification Software Backplane SW Simulation AVR Studio HDL Simulation ModelSim Co-Verification* Software APIAPI Instruction-Set Simulator –Complete Instruction Set –Interrupt –Reset –Instruction Timing Model Sim Interface Bus Interface Model –Peripherals –Bus Cycle Timing –Controllers APIAPI MTI ModelSim Simulator *FPSLIC Co-Verification S/W is powered by Mentor Graphics
AT94 Training 2001Slide 23 Bitstream Generation Can generate a complete bitstream (AVR and FPGA) or can generate an AVR only or FPGA only bitstream for faster debugging Output file can be directly downloaded to FPSLIC or used on industry standard 3rd part programmers
AT94 Training 2001Slide 24 System Control Register Settings Everything is programmable in FPSLIC System Designer gives you control over internal device settings 64 bits are used for configuring operating Modes Configuration control Memory protections and partitioning Dual pin configuration I/O drive configuration Clock selection
AT94 Training 2001Slide 25 Design Tools ATDS94KSW1 - $995 Annual Subscription or ATDS94KSW2 - $2495 Purchase Price ATDM94KSW2 - $495 Annual Maintenance System Designer