Westward Expansion 1. Countries that shared claims to Oregon 2. First group of people to move to Oregon 3. American claims to Oregon were based on his exploration 4. Second Group of people to move to Oregon 5. Starting point for the Oregon Trail A. James Beckworth, Jedidiah Smith B. Spain, the U.S., Britain, Russia C. Marcus and Narcissus Whitman D. Robert Gray E. Independence, Missouri
Westward Expansion 1 Davey Crockett 2 James K. Polk 3 Stephen Austin 4 Santa Anna 5 Sam Houston A. Surrendered Texas at San Jacinto B. First president of the Republic of Texas C. 54’40” or Fight D. Brought the first American Settlers to Texas E. Frontier legend that died at the Alamo
1. Jim Bowie 2. Winfield Scott 3. Joseph Smith 4. John Freemont 5. Rio Grande R. A. U.S. border claim of Texas B. Urged Americans to revolt in California C. Victor at Mexico City D. Mormon leader E. Knife fighter at the Alamo Westward Expansion
1. 49ers 2. Guadaloupe Hidalgo 3. Mormons 4. Mexican Cession 5. polygamy 6. vigilantes A. The practice of having multiple wives B. Law without a judge or jury used in boomtowns C. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints D. Gold seekers who rushed to California E. Treaty that ended the war with Mexico F. California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah
Westward Expansion 1 Pioneer settlers hardships 2. Result of westward expansion 3. Salt Lake City 4. The Gadsden Purchase A. Home for the Mormons B. Chinese, Native Amer., Spanish, American cultures mix C. Completes Manifest Destiny D. Smallpox, Cholera, poison water holes
Westward Expansion 1. Louisiana Purchase 2. Florida 3. Texas 4. Oregon 5. Mexican Cession 6. Gadsden Purchase A. Monroe, Adams-Onis Treaty 5 Million Dollars, 1819 B. Polk, 1846, Treaty with Britain C. Jefferson, 15 million, France D. Polk, Gudalupe Hidalgo, 15 million E. Tyler, 1846, annexed by Congress F. Pierce, 10 million, Mexico
Westward Expansion 1. First 2. Second 3. Third 4. Fourth 5. Last A. Pioneer settlers looking for free land B. Mountain men looking for furs C. Mormons looking for religious freedom D. Missionaries spreading their religion E. 49ers looking for gold