IONA Technologies Celtix and DDS
What is DDS? Data Distribution Service Publish-Subscribe messaging Data-centric NOT Client-Server based Multicast message distribution IDL-defined message payloads Proprietary wire-level protocols (OMG standard soon) No broker daemon process (or single point of failure) OMG Standard – v ? – (RTI, Thales Naval Nederland, OCI) Use cases: Distributed sensor networks…etc. Naval Command & Control Systems; Automotive; Robotics Vendors: RTI NDDS, PrismTech OpenSplice
What is Celtix? IONA’s packaged opensource Enterprise Service Bus Enterprise Service Bus so inherently Client-Server Commercially supported Endpoint- or Router-deployed Java web service enabler Extensible through powerful plug-in architecture Bob, I’ll let you flesh this out… - I’m sure you have this covered in plenty of existing PPTs…?!
Celtix + DDS: how, what and why? Celtix transport plug-in to send/receive DDS messages Stateful to maintain non-DDS endpoint publish/subscription information Celtix DDS Gateway for interoperability: Between different DDS implementations: NDDS, OpenSplice, OpenDDS, TAO DDS, Between DDS and other asynchronous messaging standards CORBA Event/Notification, JMS, AMQP…etc. Between DDS and synchronous client-server communication technologies SOAP/HTTP Web Service, IIOP CORBA, Tibco, MQSeries…etc. Performant alternative to JMS web service transport (i.e. with DDS entirely abstracted by DDS plug-in used at both client and server) Can connect the data-centric and client-server worlds
Use case 1: DDS – CORBA integration Naval command-and-control systems (Thales’ Tacticos, LMCO/Raytheon DD(X), Litoral Combat Ship…etc.) typically utilize both data-centric DDS and client-server CORBA technologies. Celtix DDS gateway can connect those worlds – removing concern for such middleware integration from the C&C system developers. Also applicable in other verticals, such as robotics and automotive, that blend data- centric information from sensor networks with client-server-based system management. Celtix v1.1 will include Yoko CORBA binding. DDS pub1 Celtix DDS binding CORBA binding DDS sub2 DDS sub1 CORBA server DDS wire protocol CORBA server CORBA client push(msg) subscribe(topic) push(msg) IIOP
Use case 2: DDS – DDS interoperability In the absence of concensus on a standard DDS wire protocol a Celtix DDS could act as a mediator propagating messages between DDS networks based on different vendors’ DDS implementations. DDS1 pub1 Celtix DDS1 binding DDS1 sub2 DDS1 sub1 DDS1 wire Protocol DDS2 binding DDS2 pub1 DDS2 sub2 DDS2 sub1 DDS2 wire Protocol