Manifest Destiny Americans Head West
I. Multiplying by the millions A.Manifest Destiny 1.The idea that the nation had a God-given right to all of North America. a.John L. Sullivan, newspaper editor, first used the term. b.In 1845 he wrote that “our manifest destiny [is to] overspread the continent allotted by the Providence [God’s power] for the free development of yearly multiplying millions.” B.Most Americans gave little thought to how manifest destiny would affect peoples already living in regions to be added to the United States
II. Polk and manifest destiny A.President James A. Polk 1.Enthusiastic supporter of national expansion 2.He wanted the nation to acquire the land between Texas and the Pacific Ocean. a.New Mexico and California belonged to Mexico b.Polk believed they should become part of the United States
“To enlarge [the United States] is to extend the dominions of peace over additional territories and increasing millions… my duty [is] to assert and maintain… the right of the United States to that portion of our territory which lies beyond the Rocky Mountains.”
B.Areas were sparsely populated 1.Mexican military had little presence in the area. 2.Polk used any opportunity to acquire these remote regions
III. Reasons for westward movement A.Personal reasons 1.Mountain men – trap and trade 2.Missionaries 3.Lumberjacks and miners – capitalize on the regions natural resources. 4.Farmers a.Most were relatively poor b.Had a chance to gain a great deal by moving west. 5.Entrepreneurs – people willing to invest their own money in the hope of making a profit. 6.Shopkeepers, carpenters, and other businesspeople
Questions? 1.What types of people headed west, and for what reasons? 2.What did the Americans who headed west in the 1840s and 1850s have in common? 3.Based on James Polk’s election, what were American attitudes about Texas? 4.What role did manifest destiny play in James K. Polk’s administration? 5.What is know as the belief that the United States should spread across the North America continent from coast to coast? 6.Refer to inauguration quote. What does Polk see as his duty? 7.What reasons does Polk give to support U.S. expansion?