A Lesson Plan On Dinosaurs By Claudia E. Ye
Description… Standard Addressed Life Science 2. Plants and animals meet their needs in different ways. As a basis for understanding this concept: c. Students know animals eat plants or other animals for food and may also use plants or even other animals for shelter and nesting. Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will learn specific facts about four dinosaurs. Students will learn about their eating habits, their habitat, and their physical characteristics.
A Gallery of Dinosaurs… TriceratopsStegosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex Diplodocus
Introduction… National Geographic Video Fossils Paleontologist Geologist Geography
Beginning KWL Chart… Teacher and students create a KWL chart. What students learned… What students want to know… What students know…
Dinosaurs were meat-eater, said Eun Jin. KWL Chart…
Tyrannosaurus Rex… In activity # 1 students read several books about Tyrannosaurus Rex. Students wrote as many facts about T. Rex as they remembered.
Triceratops… In activity # 2 students read and discuss facts about Triceratops. Students were asked to write facts about this dinosaur.
Learning About Diplodocus in Room 14… Billy Jae and Amy Danielle Eun Jin
After visiting a web page, students discovered more about Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus…
More Dinosaurs …
Pre Test and Post Test
Pre Test and Post Test Results