Use of Soybean Products in Diets fed to Swine Hans H. Stein University of Illinois
2 Outline Composition of soybeans New varieties of soybeans Effect of soybean oil on the digestibility of AA Fermented and enzymatically treated soybean meal in diets for weanling pigs Soybean meal (SBM) in the US and other countries Effect of particle size of SBM on AA and energy digestibility
Composition of Soybeans
4 Soybeans and Soybean Meal Soybeans Moisture,%10.0 Minerals,%5.0 Fat, %18.0 Protein, %37.0 Sugar, o-sacch., %13.5 Fiber, %16.5 SBM, not de-hulled SBM, de-hulled
5 Sugar and Oligosaccharides Free sugars: 4.5% Sucrose: 4.5% Galacto-oligosaccharides: 4.5% Raffinose0.6% Stachyose3.7% Verbascose0.2%
6 Effect of Stachyose Weanling pigs, 21 d post-weaning abc Liying et al., 2003
7 Effect of Stachyose Weanling pigs, 21 d post-weaning abc Liying et al., 2003
8 Soybeans with no Oligosaccharides Select soybeans with low concentration of oligosaccharides Remove genes for oligosaccharides Remove oligosaccharides after crushing When oligosaccharides are removed, the concentration of sugar and protein is usually increased.
9 New Varieties of Soybeans Conv. SBHP SBLO SBSBM Water,%10.0 Min.,% Fat, % Protein, % Oligosac., % Sucrose, % Sugar, % Fiber, %
10 Amino acid and energy digesitibility in HP and LO soybean meal Baker and Stein, 2009
11 Soybean Meals Solvent extracted – HP SBM – Conv. SBM Extruded-expelled – EE HP SBM – EE LO SBM – EE conv. SBM
12 Soy Ileal AA Digestibility
13 SID for Lys, % x, y: P < 0.05 xxyyx Baker and Stein, 2009
14 SID for Met, % x, y, z: P < 0.05 xxyzzyz Baker and Stein, 2009
15 SID for Thr, % x, y: P < 0.05 xxyyx Baker and Stein, 2009
16 Conc. of Digestible AA in HP and Conv. SBM Total Conc. Digestible conc. Conv. SBMHP SBMConv. SBMHP SBM CP48.4%55.7%423 g492 g Lys3.20%3.51%28.8 g31.6 g Met0.70%0.78%6.25 g6.91 g Thr1.86%2.09%15.9 g17.8 g Trp0.69%0.75%6.5 g6.7 g Baker and Stein, 2009
17 Metabolizable Energy
18 Metabolizable Energy x, y: P < 0.05 yxyxxyx Baker and Stein, 2009
Effect of Soybean Oil on Amino Acid Digestibility Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2008
20 Diets HP FFSB Conv. FFSB Conv. SBM Conv. SBM + 7.5% soybean oil SPC SPC + 7.5% soybean oil
21 SID of Lys Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2008 y y x xy y z y
22 SID of Met xy yz z x x Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2008
23 SID of Thr y xy z x yz Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2008
24 Effect of Soybean Oil on SID of AA in SBM and SPC * P< 0.05 * * * * Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2008
Removal of Oligosaccharides via Fermentation or Enzymatic Hydrolysis Cervantes–Pahm and Stein, 2010
26 Fermentation of SBM Addition of bacteria and fermentation (Fx. Aspergillus Oryzae and Bacillus subtillis) – PepSoyGen – Reduced size of proteins – Reduced concentration of oligosaccharides – Probiotic effect – Reduced concentration of antigenic substances Treatment of SBM with enzymes (and fermentation) – HP 300 – Reduced concentration af antigenic substances
27 Size of Proteins Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2010
28 Sucrose and Oligosaccharides Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2010
29 Protein Concentration (%) Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2010
30 AA Digestibility (%) Measured in weanling pigs (10-25 kg). abbaba Cervantes-Pahm and Stein, 2010
Growth Performance Studies with PepSoyGen
Experiment 1
33 Diets, Day 0-14 SBMFish mealPepSoyGen Corn, % Whey, %20.0 Plasma, %4.0 Soybean meal, % Fish meal, %07.00 PepSoyGen, %007.0 Peters and Stein, 2006
34 Diets, Day ItemSojaskråFiskemelPepSoyGen Corn, % SBM, % Fish meal, %07.00 PepSoyGen, %007.0 Peters and Stein, 2006
35 Average Daily Gain Peters and Stein, 2006
36 Feed:Gain Peters and Stein, 2006
Experiment 2
38 Diets, Day 0-14 Pos. Cont. Neg. Cont. No FishNo whey All PSG Corn, % Whey, % SBM, % Fish meal, % PepSoyGen, % Lys HCL, % Rojas and Stein, 2009
39 Common phase 2 diet, d Item% Corn, %63.33 SBM, %29.0 Fish meal, %0 PepSoyGen, %0 Whey, %0 Lys HCL, %0.36 Rojas and Stein, 2009
40 Average Daily Gain Rojas and Stein, 2009
41 Feed:Gain Rojas and Stein, 2009 a bcbc abcabc ac
Digestibility of P and Energy in enzyme treated SBM Goebel and Stein,
43 ATTD of P Goebel and Stein, 2010 a b aab b a
ME, kcal/kg DM Goebel and Stein, 2010
Soybean Meal in the US and other Countries
46 Concentration of CP (%DM) Illini Sand, 2008
47 Concentration of AA (%DM) Illini Sand, 2008
48 Concentration of AA (%DM) Illini Sand, 2008
49 Standardized Ileal Digestibility Illini Sand, 2008
50 Standardized Ileal Digestibility Illini Sand, 2008
51 Standardized Ileal Digestible AA (%DM) Illini Sand, 2008
52 Standardized Ileal Digestible AA (%DM) Illini Sand, 2008
54 Conclusions Oligosaccharides can reduce gain and increase diarrhea in weanling pigs Several possibilities for reducing oligosaccharides in soybeans and soybean meal Low OL SBM has same or better digestiblity of AA and energy as conv. SBM Soybean meal with high conc. of protein is also available and provides more digestible AA than conv. SBM
55 Conclusions, cont. Fermented and enzymatically treated SBM contain no oligosaccharides PepSoyGen may replace fish meal in starter diets without compromising pig performance – Keep CP low and add synthetic AA
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