Promised to only run for 4 years Promised to get California from Mexico Promised to settle Oregon dispute “Fifty Four Forty or Fight” Wanted to annex Texas Believed in Manifest Destiny
Signed Treaty of annexation with U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty Houston went to Senate and told them Texas was going to be an ally with Britain The Senate ratified the treaty
Texas claimed Rio Grande as southern border Mexico claimed the Nueces River as its northern border
Polk Promised to gain control of this area The United States almost went to war with Britain over this. Polk did not want to go to war, he agreed that north of 49 degrees latitude would be Britain’s and anything south would be the U.S.
officially ended the Mexican American War Mexico was forced to cede California and New Mexico Cede-to give U.S. paid Mexico $15 million and honored Spanish-speakers 1853 agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for Arizona and New Mexico-Gadsden Purchase
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