Strategy for contingency plan in the event of aberrant South - West monsoon. GROUP – III Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development, Madhya Pradesh
2 Agro Climatic Zones in Madhya Pradesh
63 % arable area comes under Rain fed agriculture. District contingency plan is prepared. These plans are based on predominant farming situations within the district as any contingency situation arise. Strategies envisaged for operationalization of Contingency Plan by Continues Monitoring of situation through IMD forecast, Agro met Advisory of ICAR/SAU's. District level of officers of line departments meeting held at weekly basis to review preparedness for ensuring kharif season inputs etc. State and district wise Seed rolling plan is prepared and emphasis is given on varietal replacement. Seed producing societies have been formed to ensure production and distribution of quality seed. A component on foliar spray of KCl or KNO 3 will be covered under GoI as well as state Schemes. CONTINGENT ROADMAP
Large scale demonstrations of climate resilient agronomic practices such as direct seeding of rice, inter cropping etc. will be taken as cluster demonstrations. Deep summer ploughing taken under Haldhar Scheme (71000 ha land deep ploughed during is being promoted and zero till seed drill made available a ) Zero tillage practice t subsidy. Soybean cultivation is promoted in ridge furrow and raised bed system to ensure adequate drainage (1.8 lakh ha during Kharif 2013). 40% area being targeted. custom hiring center established for promotion of farm implements. 267 Private custom hiring centers established and many proposals are in under pipeline to ensure farm implements availablity.
Pest surveillance and diagnostic teams are formed at district level for monitoring and control of pest out breaks. In the event of aberrant rainfall situation arising in the districts the measures in the contingency plan and advisories issued by ICAR/SAU are consider for implementation.
ConditionType of soilProposed Action plan Normal Monsoon Conditions (15 th June ) a- Light soils1- Sowing of groundnut, Urd, Moong Sorghum Sesamum and maize With recommended package of practices. 2- Use of Q/ha b-Medium Soils 1-Sowing of Soybean, moong, Urd, Arhar, Sorghum, Maize and till/Sesamum with recommended package of practices. 2- Inter cropping system Arhar+soybean for rainfed area and Soybean+maize and soybean +sorghum in irrigated area with short duration varietiers. 3- Adoption of integrated nutrient management approaches 4- Timely weed management and plant protection practices to be applied. c- Heavy soils 1.Sowing of paddy, Soybean Maize and Sorghum. 2. After harvesting of summer crops sow the green manure crops like Sunhemp. Dhaincha etc. and give light irrigation for good generation. Plough the green mannure crops at the age of days after sowing and consequently turn and mix in soil at the time of pudding. It will save the cost of fertilizer as well as improve the soil health. Early Monsoon onset before 1-2 week a- Light soilsa- Sowing of Groundunt, maize, jowar, Green manure b-Medium Soils a- Sowing of Soybean, Maize, Jowar, Castor & Arhar crop. b- Inter cropping c- Green manuring c-Heavy soilsa. Sowing of paddy, cotton, Soybean (in drained soil) spices and Green manuring CONTINGENT PLAN
Onset of monsoon after 2 Week (up 30 th June ) a- Light soils a. Sowing of Urd, Moong, Jowar, Maize and sesamum b. Use of Green manuring crop c. Use of Appropriate Organic Manure d. Sowing of maize in Ridge/ Furrow mothod. b-Medium Soils c-Heavy Soils a. Sowing of Soybean Arhar, moong Urd Jowar, Maize b. Inter cropping Technique & Green Manuring. a. Sowing of paddy, soybean (in drained soil) Spices & Vegetables b. Destry the previous weeds by the application a 1.5 lit/ha in 500 litres of water and after 3 days sow direct seeded paddy. Onset of monsoon after 4 Weeks (up to 15 th July ) a-Light soils Sowing of Early varieties 1. Moong- Jm-721, K-851, Hum-1, Tjm-3,Tjm-37, 2. Urd - Ju-3, T-9, Tpu-1, Pu-35, 3. Til-Jt-7, Tkg-21, Tkg-22, Jt-8, N-32, Tkg-55. Tkg Arhar-Ja-4, Asha, Jkm-7, Arhar-148, Jkm-189, Icpl , Icpl -87, [Seed rate incresed 25%] 5. Paddy- Jr-201, Kalinga-3, Purnima, Danteswari, Jr-503, Shohbhegi b-Medium soils c- Heavy soil 1. Sowing of S0ybean early varieties, Js-93-05, Js-95-60, Js-335, Hybrid, Jowar, Maize, Hqpm-1, with increase in seed rate by 25% and adopt inter cropping technique 1. Trnsplation of paddy early varities of soybeen and maize in drained soil- 25% incresed seed rate.
Onset of monsoon after 6 weeks (up to 30 th July) All types of soils a. Seed rate is to be increased by 25%, Sowing of Improved varieties of Ramtil, Urd, Til. b. Green manuring, & green fodder (chari). Onset of the monsoon after 8 weeks (up to 15 th August) All types of soils a, Sowing of Sunflower, Til. Ramtil, Arhar, and Arandi b, Adopt moisture conservation technique, c, Sowing Argar & till on Ridges for moisture Conservation d, Preparation of fields for sowing Safflower & Toria crop in sept. Month for timely Rabi sowing. In unsown area adopt moisture conservation technique and prepare for timely rabi sowing. Dry spell after 1- 2weeksof Sowing All types of soils 1, Adopt moisture conservation technique, Mulching and Interculture operation. Etc. Dry spell after 2- 4 weeks of Sowing All types of soils 1. Adopt moisture conservation techniques, and mulching, control weeds. Early withdrawal of monsoon All types of soils 1, Save water by different irrigation sources, protect crop with life saving Irrigation culture operation. In case of more than 50% damage adop ploughing and moisture conservation technique for rabi should be adoped.
Heavy rains Special circumstances All types of soils a, Prepare paddy nursery, in those area where crop sowing is not possible in early stages, Adopt green manuring, provide drainage facilities in the sown areas. b, In heavy Rainfall region Drain the waetr from Crop area. If crop damage is more than 50% Use crop as green manure and prepare the field for rabi. a- Use of certified seed, seed treatment, Culture treatment. b- Adopt integrated Nutrient Management (50% fertilizer + FYM 5 ton/ha.+Bio fertilizer), integrated weed management. c- Adopt Integrated pest management. d- Arrange proper drainage in soybean crop. e- Intercropping Ratio 1- Arhar + soybean 2:4 4- Arhar + Urd 2:4 2- Jowar + soybean 2:2 5- Arhar + Moong 2:4 3- Maize + Soybean 2:2 6- Arhar + Til 2:4