Manifest Destiny and its Legacy.  Territorial Expansion dominates American politics in the 1840s  Settlers swarm into still disputed Oregon Territory.


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Presentation transcript:

Manifest Destiny and its Legacy

 Territorial Expansion dominates American politics in the 1840s  Settlers swarm into still disputed Oregon Territory upsetting tensions with G.B  Annexing Texas frustrated Mexico  Looking at California also upsets tensions between the U.S and Mexico  Newly gained lands raise questions about the spread of slavery

 Harrison contracts pneumonia very early in his presidency in 1841  He dies after only 4 weeks in the office  John Tyler is the next in line for office  A “Virginia gentleman of the old school, yet stubbornly attached to principle”

 He previously resigned from the Senate rather than accept “distasteful” instructions from Virginia legislature  He could not stand the “dictorial tactics” of Jackson  An ex-Democrat who was still largely a Democrat at heart

 Texas was a lead issue in the Presidential campaign of 1844  Foes of expansion assailed annexation, while southern hotheads cried “Texas or Disunion”  Pro-expansion Democrats under James K. Polk triumphed over Whigs and Henry Clay

 Tyler wanted so secure Texas and did not want to get two-thirds vote in the Senate  So he arranges for annexation by a joint resolution  Only need a simple majority now in both houses of Congress

 Resolution passes in 1845 and Texas is invited to become the 28 th state  Tyler as president video  sgp5Is&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode=1 sgp5Is&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode=1

 “The idea that the nation had a God- given right to all of North America”  Term was first used by a newspaper editor John L. O’Sullivan  Most Americans gave little thought to how manifest destiny would affect peoples already living in regions to be added to the United States

 Whigs get big victory and their platform is one of nationalism  Financial reform comes first  Whigs wanted to pass a law ending the independent treasury system  What did we learn about James Polk and what he later wants to do?

 Clay next drives through Congress a bill for a new Bank of the United States  Tyler does not want this however, and he vetoes the bill on practical and constitutional grounds  A drunken mob gathers late at night near the White House and wants the to do away with the vetoe

 Whigs are stunned by his veto  So Whigs pass another bill providing for a “Fiscal Corporation”  But the president vetoes this as well!  Democrats are very happy about this  Whig extremists condemn Tyler and he even gets death threats

 A serious attempt to impeach him was brought to the House of Representatives  Another bill is passed on tariffs and Tyler does not like a protective tariff, but he knows theres a need for additional revenue  So he signs it into law in 1842