TEXAS AND THE MEXICAN WAR What were the basic ideas of Manifest Destiny & how do they fit with the notion of puritanical exceptionalism? What were the three basic tenets of the doctrine of Manifest Destiny as outlined by John L. O’Sullivan?
Texas Province Stephen Austin & 15 others Empresarios- granted large plots of land. Expansion (US citizen)- offer of cheap land attracts several land settlers.
Americans & Mexicans Differences (culture & church) Catholicism and slavery (Mexico had banned slavery) Exemptions were given- creation of indentured servitude; many converted to Catholicism but remained practicing protestants A ban on immigration was placed as Americans outnumbered Mexicans. Grievances of Texans
Grievances Clear & secure title- local self government Improve defenses Customs duties suspended Separate statehood from Coahuila (outnumbered 3 to one in representation) Steven Austin presented these- received a lifting of the ban on immigration; but later arrested after suggesting that Texas should establish its own state separate from Mexico
1836 Texas War for Independence General Lopez de Santa Anna establishes a dictatorship, abolishes the Federal system and uses the military to force anti-Texan tariffs… Texas declares independence after attempts to enforce the tariff. Mexicans vs. Texans and Tejanos (Mexicans fighting for Texas) Alamo: 187 rebels fought for nearly a week before falling (not all fought to the death- several were captured and executed) Another Texan group will be captured and executed at Goliad (350 total) San Jacinto- eventually the Texans will win independence after Santa Anna is captured and will be forced to sign treaties recognizing Texas independence (but will not be recognized)… Sam Houston President Lone Star Republic Annexation controversy- Houston then tries to get Texas annexed but Jackson refused- fear of war with Mexico Remains independent- a rush of settlers come to Texas post Panic of 1837 (free land grants)
Campaign of 1844 John Tyler attempts reelection and used Texas as a wedge issue (wanted annexation- pro slavery: enlists the help of John Calhoun- know where the South stands with the North). Creates a propaganda campaign to get Texas annexed stating that Britain had its eyes on Texas- give its independence and help with debt if Texas abolished slavery). Whigs- Henry Clay Democrats- James K. Polk (dark horse candidate and considered a “young hickory”) Liberty- James Birney Slogans- results
Texas Annexed & Oregon Disputes Joint resolution of annexation: Tyler attempts annexation but its kept on hold until a few days before the inauguration. Near fighting also ensues between the United States and Britain over the border between Oregon and Vancouver island. Treaty of Oregon James Buchanan (Sec of State) authorized to meet with the British to draw the borders of Oregon to the 49 th parallel. Sent to the Senate and later approved by Polk- but near war too place.
The Mexican War Issues of American claims to the Rio Grande and Nueces Rivers- Mexico breaks diplomatic relations. No declaration- just Congressional funding John Slidell's mission (sell lands to the United States)- but no diplomatic relations Border incident- Zachary Taylor dispatched to the Southwest- crosses enemy territory and engages Mexican forces… “Hostilities… may now be considered commenced.”
Center Zachary Taylor (rough & ready) Series of American victories over the Mexicans but will not advance the army further into Mexican territory- upsets the administration. Despite this he wins the Battle of Buena Vista and becomes a war hero and future candidate for the presidency.
West John Fremont & Stephen Kearney (sent to explore but eventually liberate New Mexico and California) Bear Flag Revolt- wins independence from Mexico Occupation: send Winfield Scott (fuss & feathers) to Veracruz and then occupy Mexico City. Battle of Cerro Gordo- will lead to the eventual capture of Mexico City after taking Chipultepec Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo