Expansion and Slavery
John Tyler #10 Converted Dem Vetoed Bank, alienated Clay, Cabinet resigns Said NO to internal improvements Not asked back!!!
Expansion Issues Borders … Webster-Ashburton Treaty settles question of Maine’s northern border East is set now moving west … Adams-Onis Line
American Progress By George A. Crofutt c Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Texas Stephen Austin & 300 settlers 1830 … 20,000 Americans, 2000 slaves, few thousand Mexicans To purchase or not to purchase… Can’t trust those Anglos
Remember the Alamo! Santa Anna the “Napoleon of the West” 5,000 Mexican troops vs. 187 Ten days Sam Houston
Goliad San Jacinto 1836 Republic of Texas Annexation issue
James K. Polk # Whigs/Clay vs. Dem/Polk “Young Hickory” Opposed tariffs and Bank Expansionist 54º40’ or fight!
1845 Texas joins Fulfilled campaign promises 1.Lowered tariff 2.Said no to internal improvements 3.Announced he wanted not only Oregon but the Southwest Compromise reached with GB Back to Texas …
War with Mexico Which border? Nueces River or Rio Grande War never formally declared Zachary Taylor “Hero of Buena Vista
Winfield Scott “Hero of Mexico City” Santa Anna loses again! Dissatisfaction with results … N vs Polk
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Rio Grande is the southern border New Mexico and California ceded to US $15 million plus claims
California John C. Fremont Bear Flag of the Republic of CA Gold Rush 1848 Missouri Compromise does not fit movement
Congress could control slavery in the territories hence …gag rule Wilmot Proviso … all land in the Mexican Cession lands is free soil Paranoia increases in South “popular sovereignty” Allows Congress to avoid the issue
1848 … Whigs/Taylor #12 vs. Dem/Lewis Cass vs. Free Soil/Van Buren 1849 California asks to be admitted as a state Taylor suggests CA decide on own South feels betrayed
Compromise of 1850 Great Compromiser 3 “young lions” now old! 1.Clay with Stephen Douglas 2.Calhoun 3.Webster’s March 7 th Speech 4.Seward’s “higher law”
The Compromise 1.California = free state 2.Mexican Cession = Utah and New Mexico w/pop.sovereignty 3.Texas western border and debts settled 4.Slave trade ends in D.C. 5.Fugitive Slave Act 6.Taylor NO but Fillmore YES