Manifest Destiny
A.Economic factors A.Exhaustion of good lands 2)Effects of the Panic of 1837 a. Andrew Jackson’s failed bank system. b. Led to a five year depression.
B. Psychological Factors 1.Manifest Destiny a. It is our national destiny to expand. b. Increased nationalism c. We can use the land better than the Native Americans can. (racism)
C. Attractive regions 1.Texas, California, Oregon 2. Why so attractive? a. Advertising the West 1. Santa Fe traders 2. Mountain men--fur trappers and traders
II. Texas A. American colonization began in the 1820s under Austin. 20,000 settlers by This happened after Mexico gained Independence. B. American settlers ignored Mexican rules. C. Dictator Santa Anna began to tighten control, which led to rebellion. D. Americans declared the area they lived in to be an independent state..Texas. E. President Tyler wanted to annex Texas, the senate said no!
f. Santa Anna will not allow for texas to be taken…”war breaks out” g. Alamo…Texans are beaten. h. San Jacinto--Mexicans defeated, Santa Anna captured, Texas independence recognized by Mexico
III. Oregon A.Oregon had been split between the US and Britain since the Convention of B.“Oregon Fever” broke loose in 1841 expansionists demanded the entire area for the US. C."54 40 or Fight"
IV. What happens next? A.Tyler manages to get Texas annexed. B.James K. Polk, a slaveholder, and expansionist is the next president to be elected. C.Oregon Treaty (1846) set boundary at 49th parallel
V. Polk as President A. Provokes a war w/Mexico. 1. urges the Texans to seize all the land to the Rio Grande. 2. When Mexico argued about the border, Polk sent troops under General Zachary Taylor to Rio Grande in On April 24, 1846 Mexican cavalry finally responded to the US invasion and the war began.
VI. The Mexican War A.Colonel Stephen Kearny invaded New Mexico and CA. B. General Zachary Taylor secured northeastern Mexico and General Winfield Scott went all the way to Mexico City and captured it. C. The result was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (signed in February 1848)
VII. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo A.US 1. Got California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and the RG Texas border. B. Mexico 1. Reparations payment of $15 million.