Professional Certification: Solving Our Workforce Problems Presented By: David M. Stumpo President/CEO American Public Transit Exams Institute 2002 APTA Annual Meeting and Expo Las Vegas, NV
Focused Objectives WHAT IS THE NEED The need for certified educational and training programs to improve and retain our workforce. WHY TRANSIT NEED THIS? To provide the mechanism for management to improve themselves and our industry’s to be prepared for the future through the development of this standard. American Public Transit Exams Institute Lack of Opportunity to Learn and Grow Is a Major Reason for Employee Dissatisfaction
American Public Transit Exams Institute Focus on the Facts... Unplanned Turnover Cost 3-5 Times One’s Annual Salary
American Public Transit Exams Institute Focus on the Facts... The Certified Transit Manager designations represent broad transit industry knowledge. CTBM, CTEM, CTDM, CTDVM, CTSCM, CTCCM,CTFM Investing in the work force is the right thing to do. Call our advisory staff today to arrange for consultation about improving our Transit Industry and improving the standards for our Customers. Member of: American Public Transportation Association and the Canadian Urban Transit Association Quality, Commitment, and Knowledge. Our clients command recognition worldwide. APTREX Institute Evolution starts somewhere… FACT: 81% are lacking career path planning for their workers
American Public Transit Exams Institute Focus on the Facts... Our Industry has 450,000 workers in North America We served over 9.4 billion transit trips last year There are about 6000 public transit systems Under TEA-21 - over $5.7 Billion invested About 50% of all management employees are front line Lacking basic skills: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic Analytical and Communications skills Organizational and Leadership skills Partnering was the most cost-effective method FACT: Almost 50% of organizations lack a strategy to address retention.
Workforce Initiatives Partnering Program Cooperative Agreements with: Atlas Katz Associates DMT Group – Dr. DiPalma Franklin Covey Leadership Dynamics Group National Transit Institute Develop new curriculum that has focus on Transit 101, 201, 301 A New Educational Game for Learning – TranSMART 101 ™ American Public Transit Exams Institute FACT: 83% of respondents stated that formal orientation training helped retention and motivated workers.
American Public Transit Exams Institute What do the results tell us? Skill Deficit: Budgeting, Accounting, Finance, Writing, Leadership, and Strategic Planning skills Poor Succession Planning
Approach and Needs Position paper for FTA funding for Training and Development The need for Re-authorization of Tea-21 in March 2003 “Jenna Dorn” FTA Administrator is serious about Development Ensure training dollars are spent to add value Improve the necessary skills for supervisors and managers Improve succession planning for all levels Decrease operating cost through better Leadership American Public Transit Exams Institute
Implementation for Systems Implement Assessment/Development/Certification Develop Training/Core courses to sync with goals Include Recognition and Reward plan Link to Performance Management system View Training as essential for retaining employees Create a self-learning environment that is reinforced Communicate a realistic approach to implementation Create the Standard as a culture not a program American Public Transit Exams Institute
We must reduce the GAPS because… Increased Pressure to reduce cost… Quick fixes are not valid… Competing Funds… We must take ACTION to… Develop Leadership Skills…through education… Retain our Workers…through education… Reward and Recognize…through education… Assess, Measure and Implement…Certification! Endure Sustained Results for Transportation Final Thoughts
American Public Transit Exams Institute Professionally Recognized as a leader in the Industry Accredited by the International Transit Certification Review Board Demonstrates that one has the body of knowledge in the transit field Offers a foundation for career development Helps to promote the industry as a career choice One's name published in the Who's Who in Certified Transit Professionals Improved Satisfaction and Self-Esteem Provides the basis for industry curriculum development Honored with a Prestigious Certificate Eligible to use the Certified designation and acronym for a period of 3-years Includes motivation for employees to stay current in the field Certification Why Should one be Certified?
American Public Transit Exams Institute AC Transit - Oakland, CA* RTD - Denver, CO* SAMTRANS - San Carlos, CA* MARTA - Atlanta, GA* METRO - Houston, TX* COTA – Columbus, OH Booz-Allen - Newark, NJ and Vancouver, BC* OCTA - Orange County, CA MUNI - San Francisco, CA AATA - Ann Arbor, MI NJT - Newark, NJ VTA - San Jose, CA DART – Dallas, TX SUMMIT – Frisco, CO CATS – Charlotte, NC Certified Transit Managers * Transit Systems
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