Chapter 18:The Progressive Reform Era Section 1: The Origins of Progressivism
Objective: Assess the need for reform during the turn of the 20th century. Did the means of reform provide adequate “progress” for serving the needs of the day?
Things to Consider What were the key goals of Progressivism? How did the ideas of progressive writers help to inspire new reform movements? What reform organizations and what women reformers took up Progressive causes? Why did Progressive reforms meet with resistance?
The Jungle. . . . “It seemed they must have agencies all over the country, to hunt out old and crippled and diseased cattle with had been fed on ‘whisky-malt’, the refuse of the breweries, and had become what the men called ‘steerly’—which means covered with boils…It was stuff such as this made the ‘embalmed beef’ that had killed several times as many United States soldiers as all the bullets of the Spaniards [in the Spanish-American War].”
The Progressive Era: Roots of Reform _______ and _______ Farmers ________: political party from the 1890s who wanted to increase the amount of currency in circulation and promote economic reforms ________, prohibition, purity crusades, electoral reform, charity reform, social gospel philosophy, and settlement houses Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast
Reform Reacts. . . Issues of Reform ____________: Growing cities with growing problems. Issues of Reform ______________: Brought Prosperity, but at what cost? __________: Seeking a better life, but what did they really find?
The Progressives: Goals and Beliefs Four Goals Categories _____, Moral, ________, and Political Spanned all the _______ Most followers had ________ wealth and held 4 common beliefs (pg. 615) 1. Gov’t should be more ___________ to citizens 2. Gov’t should ______ ______ and influence of _______ interests 3. Gov’t should be given expanded ______ to that it could become more ______ in improving the lives of its citizens 4. Gov’ts should become more _______ and less _______ so that they could competently handle an expanded role
“__________” _________ who played a key role in alerting the public of wrongdoing Upton Sinclair TR Takes Action "This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in."
Reform Organizations… The _____ Movement Unions were being _________ by employers Used ____________ to limit unions Unions continued to battle through individual bargaining _________: court order to prohibit certain activities
Socialists _______: an economic and political philosophy favoring public or _________ control of property and income Used the ______ to attempt Change Most Progressives were ________ Free the gov’t of _________, not restructure it completely
Women’s Groups Women’s organizations formed around nearly _________ issue The National ____________ League (NCL) ___________ how goods were made and sold Enforced ____________ laws _________ for Women!!! Gov’t services were essential to ________ ________ Deal with ______ consumption, work environments, etc.
Resistance to Progressivism Progressives wanted the _________ to be involved in the people’s lives Housing, healthcare, movie content Clash of interests between the Progressive ad the poor: Example: Should child labor be banned? Mistreatment of youth or Provision for families?
On Your Own: At the end of your 18.1 notes, list the following names: Upton Sinclair Henry George Edward Bellamy Florence Kelley Mother Jones For each of these, write a brief explanation of what contributions each made to the progressive era.